Page 360 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 360
L--- Iu FORTH,
Toia? Import! 0/ Principal Article 1 into Bahrain during (he yean 1011-15 fo HlG-17
QuxNTirr. Vau;*.
1914-U. 1916*1*5.' 1916-17. 1914-15. 1315-13. 1916-17.
Animat*. £ £ £
U<?TW . . So. 1 1 23 * 30
Dooley* 35 U 265 33
Caattls 10 SO 10 33 120 200
Slaughter aau'o*/*.
CxzXjt • Ho. 750 SCO GO 2,308 L3V6 200
Goats and ihcerp . „ 14.000 21,(CO 1S.OOO 11200 15,800 14.450
Poo: 37 8,s:o 4,100 2,000 1.173 627 347
Ajyirel, we&rin.-» 677 834 431
Biscuit* . , 1,964 62 120
Shilling material 9.203 1,612 2272
o5c« .C-wt*. 10,619 13,312 17,311 43r5l9 54,773 73,573 Increase d-e partly to lags
saniptionon the rarioloj v:
partly v» importation in i f; •
specie and rise in price*.
Ccir and coir raje „ 4^05 3,651 3,172 3.498 3,£57 2276
Cotton 1 aw . «• 005' n 149 1.154 20 710
Biise . •Tons. 13,552s 18.5 41; 20,927 J 165,353 250^-34 297,635
}■ Slight!/ increased izt :• =■
Wleit 1,023 879 1,490 8267 13,178 21,250 ) portatiio in lien A >p><< =*■
due to setter state A the {«•
Wreat flour 2*i 2oi 320J 3*163 4,457 5*122
Other grains 1,266 3.776 4^34
Spaces . 9.773 3^44 5^51
Colour and paiints 464 410 2a
Dates .Tons. 9255 2272- 1.695 9,876 2SjC94 17,908 Decrease die to less import k*
Basrah sad on account » *<
Dale ]tries . . Tins 880 3,762 951 225 L003 253
Drags and medicines . 661 *07 6S5
Earthen and gLus-
1270 326 997
Charcoal • «T< 1.25^ 679 874} 8242 3^24 4410
Tirrrood . 12*0 1214 2,959 42^0 2^04 720*
Frails mad vegetable . 4266 3407 Liu
Gold and tilver rhrrvi . 787 UO 200
Haberdashery sad
Hosiery . 389 46 240
Hardware mad nntlerj . 4*796 757 LOS*
Holes aad skins .Saves 62 546 611 280 tAa
Household goods 846 359 229
Hatchs* • & 266 384 376 1,037 2216 3.757
Hats aad mat bsga 633 Ml 1,016