Page 361 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 361
TABLE "B.'*—contd.
I.—Imports —contd.
Tol‘d T>«p<rl* of Pri*cip:l ArlicU \ into Bahrain during lh* ytari JOl i-lo fo 1916-17—contd.
Qcutitt. Yalcc.
0 Bixuct.
1914-15. 1015*10. 1916-17. 1911-L5. 19? 3-1C. 1916*17.
t £ £
C ill-
&.*«*»• * , gall*. 1G9.792 su.seo 151,400 5314 8.549 7.077 Di“rr*a;o due t« less consumption
orwio^ to high price* ruling.
5,960 9,397 3,751 4S3 793 902
All * m
r.«* 77.033 130,30) 103,999
3.173 3,020 2,660
Lcoojd*. 8,910 i 8,925 \ 23,690 11G.GO0 142.SOO 338,130 L-^rge increase <Iao specie By to
the raisin" of the blockade on
t"bc Persian Coa*t. part!/ to
importation in lieu of specie »n«J
partlj- for fear of < in
Pron'tionJ. obtaining shipment later on.
{glares . 100 913 1,163
Glee. . gill*. 19,060 57,10ft 17,624 19.321 22,748 23.812 Decrwe in quantity due to
neighbouring coun*ri«* sending
^frre to Hnftah and increase in
ralue due to high price* ruling.
Ouiou . loom. 5111 2781 257* 4.121 2,?68 3,032
route's . 52 12 12 517 25* 373
Wrrirtlli . . cote. 3,391 4.407
Pr.risiba af *11 kind* . 4,143 3,ISO 2,835
S*4 2,117 1,622 2,669
. art*. 69 54 100
Jlvi'rxOPeoH . „ 30 16 95 52
. . . 296 159
m 1,193 355
Tcr-ie Sheik . „ 160
5irt xzi «ift pkeo
=*» . . 807 740 80
Csnnj #
, tons 18 28 171 227 969 788 'l
increass in Tsloe dus to higfc.
m 68-J 60 751 1,760 I S%hl dccreve in quantity ami
**. • ■ 1,014 976 580} 17,346 22.774 34465 prices.
t»Cos .
. evta. 1,869 817 935 3,219 1,875 2305
6,086 9,416 26,778 66,440 14,228 Vxmm das t* orentoeksd
T'iaWri*a wood a^rket in prstioo* jeer.
7375 8335 L253
^ .
10^98 20,067 19.641
• Ctfck
. esrta. 116 3 5 2396 40 100
Y,T»M4twkt .
734 483 1342 5391 3.319 8*54
136319 289,032 497383
5.091 2.964 1,866
0tu» Tout
758,416 j 1,173,764 | 1329.758