Page 471 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 471
element showing principal articles exported from Bahrain during the years 1919-20 to 1921-12
Qcajttitt. Vaiu* jjr £.
Articles. Rkmabko.
1919-20. 1920-21. 1921-21. 1919-20. 1920-21. 1921-22.
1/912 236
firm •
Spicm • • • 1.C13 W8 2.0CO
Scojl* (Soft, Leaf ind
. Candy) . . Tons 222 672 €21 11,100 12.311 24,174
Tr CO 32 ICO 9,217 2^28 6,803
3,313 3,535 8.63X
To5.acco 9$
Tszm*a isv Yamici~
Cotton Good* . per 9,279 2,919 215,721 95,225 78.5SS
S2O Cl"tb . Cwte. 81 3 1,016 32
Sdk and 'ilk Good* . 2£2 6,853 25, SCO
Silver and Gold Thread •M 235 2,213 900
Twist and Yarn . Cwta. 68 168 476 1,700 1.279
Wed and Woollen Geeda 185 4,697 1 A&L
Wearing Apparel 400
China, Earthen and
Glassware 654 1,920 1,406
Drogs and Medidn-ea . . 79 633 381
Hardware • 6,006 2,318 3,664
Hides and Skins . Scores 84 13 583 187 999
Honaebold Goods 246 647 618
X*t* and Hat Bags , 175 126 146
Haicbea , Casoa 122 156 L5S6 1/231 481
Perfumery , 668 1,188 1^00
Shark Fins , Cwta. 42 113 1,1«
Timber and Wood 4^69 240 66
Dried Fisb ••• 774
Artidea not specified abore 1,572 10,174 8,977