Page 474 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 474


                                             TABLH *'C” II—EXPORTS.
                  Statement of articles exported from Bnhrtln during the years 1919-20 to 1931-1922 showing t
                                      countries to which they were exported—contd.

                                                Quaktitt.             Vitui ix £.
                   Articl'f and rountrw* t* which
                       th*y wore exputet.                                              BkxaBKS.
                                         1919-20.  1920-21.  1021-22.  1910 20.  1920-21.  1921-22.

                     Aral Coant                                  22,000
                      Ira’tt                                      4.120
                      PdTT»                                      10.133          • ••
                   P BOV LSI OSS —
                     Aj..V Coa«t   . Cwt.v  4,395  5,116  ■4,800  22/49  20,454  20,201
                     Bu»rah .        ••             130    220            1,147   687
                      Penis          99              3            • ••     11       /
                     Arai Crait    Gallo is  5.092  1/40  4,103   6,516   1,895  8,769
                     £.&Kah          »     1,504    496           1/29     549
                     Imdia           w     2,400                  2,600
                     Penis .                                16                     14
                    o* tw­
                     jLrah Coast   . Cwts.  251     162            368     in
                     . Bssah ,       n       22                     32
                           of otter hind*—
                     ini Coast                                    3,438  2,351   1,479
                     Basrah •              m                       174     27     65
                     Penes »                                       457     160    348
                     Arab Coast   Gallons  47/76  21/08  10/98    7466   1/87    8,171
                     Pom             n      612    400    1/51     76      33     368
                    Otter land*—
                                                                  4/14    169     817
                     Arab Cosat
                     B*sxmfc .                                     178           W
                                                                   236   • ••      76
                     P«r4s .

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