Page 476 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 476


                                             TABLE “C" II—EXPORTS.
                 Statement of articles exported from Bahrain during the years 1919-20 to 1921-22 showing the
                                     countries to which they were exported—coaid.

                                               Quaktity.      I      Vaujv iv £.
                   Articles tnd countries to which                                    Exkaixi.
                      thoj wers exported.                     \
                                         1913-20.  1920-21.  1921-21  1919-20.  1920-2L  1921-32.

                  ' amd Fabrics—coaid.
                    Silver and Gold Thread —
                     Aral) Coast . .                               235   2,213    787
                     Persia                                                       138
                   'Tarn and Ttoiti—
                     Aral) Coast  . Cwts.    84    165             448   1,667   1*112
                     Persia          *•      4       3             28      33
                     "Basrah •                                                    167
                    Wool and roollea Good*—
                     Aral) Coast                                   169   4,787   1.487
                     Penis                                         26      80      27
                     Basrah .                                              20
                    Wearing apparel—
                     Ant Coast    ••                                              400
                    ■China, Earfkcn end Gloat•
                     Arm V Coast                                   498   1,720   1,340
                     Bunk                                        • ••     163
                     Per*                                          166     47      66

                    Draft trad Medicine*—
                     Arab Coast   t                                79     440     866
                     Perm •                                      •—        88      26
                   Hardware and Cutlery
                     Arab Coast                                  4,148   2,296   8,618
                     India                                        361    •mm
                     Persia ,  ;                                  493      68     46

   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479   480   481