Page 477 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 477
3tntcment ol nrticics exported from Bahrain during the years'tylg-ao to 1931.2a showing the’
countries to which they were exported «»td.
Qo^xtitt. TaUJi IJ £.
Articles and countries to which
they were exported. Ecjcxsei.
1919-20. 1920-2L 1921-22. 1919-20. 1920-21. 1921-22.
Bidet and Skint—
India •Scon* 84 13 S88 187 999
Boutelold Good*—
Arab Cox«t 246 647 357
Basrah • 67
India 67
Persia • •• 27
ifait and if at Bagi
Arab Coast • 69 118 13
Basrah .« . • M ««• 133
Penis . 106 8
ifalehet —
Arab Coast .Cases 94 156 1,222 1,231 474
Basrah M 23 299 • ••
Penh n 6 65 7
Perfumery -
Arab Coast 633 1,148 L140
Basrah . 35 ••• 26
Persia 40 134
Shark Fiw—
Arab Coast . . Cwts. 42 113 1.W5
I«dk m •M 77
Timber and Wood—
Arab Coast 8,496 240 66
Perm 1,493 •ft