Page 483 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 483
For the year ending 31st March 1923.
Introduction, ihc value of general merchandise exported as thown
general description of the physical, political, in the statement below :—
and the commercial pccqliarity of the Islands is
„{vcn in the report for the year 1011-12 (Annual fen. Specie. IVarH. G*ncr»J
Series No. 5032). The permanent population has X-rrliandlie. ! T<-tal
increased to about 115,000, this increase being mainly £ £ l
among the foreign commercial community doing 19X1-22 -W 63.391 467,022 S*£oi ft
business in Manamah. ;orx-2x 85.SJ4 334.991 4 40, OCX 860.MQ
J.vrc»«e or <3c- + 5234% -9S%
2. Revival of Trade, cJay pa cent.
The slight revival of trade which occurred in 1921-
22 nay be said to have continued generally during This decrease is again mainly due to a fall in values
joo2-23 owing, as usual, to the increased pearl trade. and partly to decrease in the expert of silk, woollen
Imports show an increase in value of £1,001,832 goods, wheat and wheat flour. The decrease in
ar.i Exports £303,574 compared with the year 1921- value of wheat and wheat flour exports is perhaps
due to the fact that rair.s on t?je mainland in the
22. early part of 1922 were exceptionally good resulting
The increase in value, of Imports is mainly due in good grazing and nan crops atd consequent de
t.- the movement of specie consequent on the improve creased importation oi grains. On the other hand.
ment in the pearl market and to a certain extent ;he export figures of cates to Inlia end coffee to
to the heavy import of American oil. Motor acccsso- the mainland show cc nsidcrahle increases. One
rv?ito the value of £1,4G3 were also imported during noteworthy feature during the period under review
the period under review. Although the total value is the export of Motler-of-Pear’s to England and
o: imports (£2,454,571) is the highest recorded for India to "the value of £133 and £906 respectively.
If rears, there has been a decrease of 15-2 per cent Exports of this commodity entirely ceased daring
in the value of general merchandise imported 38 the war although in pre-war years they were
shown in the subjoined statement:— considerable.
3. Customs.
Tear. Specie. rearli. Here hyalite. Total. The Tariff is fixed by treaty at 5 per cent ad
valorem on all imports. By an order of the Govern
ment of India in 1920 the tax on goods landed at
ft t £ ft
im-tx 257,671 1,613 1,133. W 1,432, CSS Bahrain in transit for the mainland was reduced to
2 per cent from 5 per cent at whi ch it formerly stood.
1)253 1,442.814 sa 1,051.757 2,454,571 Export daty of Rs. 10 per bundle of hides and Rs. 2
la.*Tf»*e or Sc + 559-9% —15-2% +cas% per basket of dates is charged. The Customs work
ot^* per cent.
is carried on for the Ruler of Bahrain by a Hindu
Firm, a member of which acts a.s Director. Owing
This decrease is not perhaps due so much to the de to the lack of a shed on the landing pier goods are
crease in quantity as to a fall in values. often damaged especially during the rains. It is
The Exports show an increase over 1921-22 of hoped that, under the Reforms recently introduced,
£309,574 mainly due to the export of pearls to India. the defect will be remedied tariy.
The total value of £860,589, which is considerably
below pre-war figures, compares favourably with 4. Enquiries regarding Trade.
thav: for previous years. But, as in imports, there The Political Agent, Bahrain, who is in close touch
has been a decrease amounting to 9-8 per cent in with local and mainland affairs, will be very «d»d