Page 485 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 485
TABLE 14A” L—Imports*
Total value of Import* from various countries during the years 1920-21 to 1922-23.
Countries. 1920-21. 1021-22. 1922-23.
£ £ £
fJabConn* 189.G08 75,302 70,942
Aden 32
Airies 480
America 8,000 6,044
Basis 16,512 61,434 232,117
India 1.0C6.3G6 1,256,335 2,097,500
rerain . 23,194 58,174 39.790
Zaniibar 6,710 1,244 1,800
Total 1,250.993 1,452,689 2.454,571
locrnse in 1921-22 over 1920-21 £201,696 1 C*1 per ce-nt.
Increase in 1922-23 over 1921-22 £1,001,882 CS-9 per oval
His Britannic Majesty’s Political Agency,
Bahrain, C. K. DALY, Major, I.A.,
20th September, 1923. Ilia Britannic Majesty*a Political Agent.
TABLE M B " L—Imports.
Total Imports of principal articles into Bahrain during the years 1920-21 to 1922-23.
QCAi'TITY. Yxlt*.
1920-21. 1921-22. 1922-23. 1920-21. 1921-22. 1922-23.
£ £ £
Camels . 12 223 280
Donkeys • . . 9 207 27
Hones - . . . 1 * • 10
Animal* for tLnghltr, do-
Cattle . 390 101 1,890 507 436
Costs sad sheep ’, 9,932 10,297 8464 12.431 7,381
Poultry . , I
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