Page 484 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 484
to answer a nr enquiries regarding tragic by merchant* has been reduced from G to 2 a month. This, it
in the United Kingdom, through the Commercial feared, Mill to n large extent *J\ciocly afFc<t tllf
Intelligence branch of The Board of Trade. En trading community.
quiries from India should be ii.adc through the
l>:rector-Gen*rt»l, Coir.nitre-ini Intelligence Depart 6. General Remarks.
ment, Calcutta. Time would probably be saved l*y Motor roads suitable for light cars exist betx-oon
addressing :l? latter c filial direct, as inforniati n Manama! and Sukhair, a distance of 18 si.ilox,
on most cruiury subjects is available in bis records. and between Mnnnrnah and Budbiya, 12 n.iles.
Besides about 40 private cars, motor vehiclc-s t>--
5. Shipping. ply for hire. As pointed out in last year’* reje^-j
There is a regular weekly and bi-weekly mail any British firm of cheap light car suppliers *lo
service from »nd to Ir.d:a. It may not be out c»f would be enterprising enough to issue a ciiccltr in
place to mention that, immediately after the period Arabic anl Persiau might well be rewarded.
under review, as a result of the International Po6tal
Conference htld at Bushire and the consequent
abolition of th* British Peat Office there, the practice
of sending mails to ludia by up-steamers via Bushire C. K. Daly, Major, IA-,
Las ceased. Thus the Lumber of mails to India H. B. M.'t Political Agent.