Page 112 - DILMUN 13_Neat
P. 112


 Inanna Goddess of Immortality

      Inanna, the infinite variety of the sun god ttu, and the sister of shkur and, in some
 rcspects, the most intrigueing of all the figures in the pantheon is a third child of Nanna, the
 Goddess Inamma (in Akkadian she was known y name of lshtar who married
 Amaushungaanna ''of a date store house', She also married Dumue-Tumu of Biles. She
 has een mcntioned as a Rain Goddess in respect to hcr marriage to Dumue.

      Inanna is also the Goddess of Thunderstorms and therefore she is 'very close in
character-rain-thundcrstorms to her rother, Ishkur, and to Ninurta', eside eing a Rain
Goddess and Goddess of Water, lnanna is also the Goddess of the Monring and Evening
Star٦٣, and, 'Goddess of Evening Star, was also a War Goddess and also Goddess of Sexual
Lo‫ﺏ‬e9. Inanna was known in Canaanite mythology y her Akkadian name, shtar; and
Solomon followed her worship and uilt her temple on high land opposite Jerusalem. ٠٠٠ and
Jewish people worshipped he.P!1

       So far, then, we have consider lnanna as Numen of the Storehouse, as Rain Goddess,
as Goddess of War, as Goddess of Morning and Evening Star, and as Goddess of Harlots ...
she is in charge of the Lighting and Fires, ut also of the putting-out of Fires; of causing
tears, and also of rejoicing; of emnity and fair dealings; and so for,«!!


     hTere are only two seals existent with a cavring of our 'unusual' act on them, etween
Dilmunian and their ull. Both seals were found in the State of kuwait, and they are part of
the uwait National museum Collection. We do not have any record of any other similar
seal(s, with the 'unusual' act on them, and if any should e found they could e patr ot
Bahrain National Museums Collection, in which we do not even have a record of most of

     First seal ٤, shows one of two unusual' acts, and that is of a man kissing a ull on the
mouth, and he is in the kneeling position holding the ull's head in his hands? on this seal
there is a cavring of the ull of heaven, half ull and hafl man. hTe heaven ull, was related
to Lnanna in events, such as the Gilgamish Epie. Another thing that is to e found on the
ifsrt seal is the sign for the word inanna, the woman of the mountainsk.

     Seocnd seal ٩, shows the second 'unusual' act on it, and that is the actual sexual act or

 6 Te treasures of darkness, Page 135.
 7 Iid, Page 136.
 8 Iid, Page 136.
 9 iid, PP. 136-137.
1 Page 73.
11 The treasures of darkness, Page 141٠
٦2 uwait National Museum Collection seal No. 193٠175-F.6-194.
13 lIlustration, drawing of issing act.
14 Iid, drawing of heaven ull.
15 lid, drawing of work inanna,
16 uwait National Museum Colletcion, Seal No, 117-199٠F.6٠٦227.

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