Page 114 - DILMUN 13_Neat
P. 114
The mythology of immortality
Hon. Secretayr Bhas
This short study is aout a very unusual sujcct, it's an unusual paper and at the same time
very carefully done with as much rcferenced support as possile. Also, if possile, it seeks to
climinate any untoward remark(s or conclusions concerning the Dilmun culture, This does
not mean any possile cover-up or disregard for facts y the author.
This unusual paper is a study made on two individual seals found in uwait'. I found
represented on the two seals an nusual' act eing performed etween Dilmunians and
their Bull.
The ifrst question to come to mind after finding the seals, was 'could it e as I see i٤?'
The second thing, if it is true, 'why were they doing such things?'' Could such a highly
developed culture, with their sea trade power and their title as The first ancient
mix-culture' actually have performed the ''seual act', for which phrase I will e using the
expression 'unusual' act in its place, with their ull? Acts such as kissing a ull on the
mouth, and also having sexual intercourse with it. Why did they do it?
It was a very uncomfortale situation for me as a researcher, and especially ecause I
count myself as a very strong eliever in the Dilmun culture. had to ifnd the correct answers
to my questions.
To study and understand any culture, ancient or modern, the researcher, has to e
ojective, and understand the elements and aspects that influenced individuals in that
culture, to understand their thoughts, myths and social values. The researcher must
disregard his personal values and thoughts on data gained and any conclusions arrived at so it
iwll eocme an ojective study, as much as possile, He must place his thoughst as close to
the suject culture to enale him to reach an understanding, of the suject culture thoughts,
and values.
'٩hTe western civiliation form is similar to all the other civiliaations. He could not do
1 Seal Nos. 193-175٠F.6٠٦94, and Seal No. 117-199-F.6٠1227.