Page 211 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
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J is •ms toil by their profligacy and incompetence the whole population of
the” country. Ahmed's talents brought him to the notice of the Imam
Seif-bin-SulUin, and appointed him Wflli of Solidr. Here he distin
guished himself in ridding 'Omdu of the Persian invaders, and on the
death of the Imams Scif-bin-Sultitn and Murid, Ahmed's great services
caused him to be elected Imam, and the government still continues in
the baud of his successors. Two branches of the Iru&in Ahmed's descend
ants have furnished rulers, and a table of them is auncxed. Tables arc
also given of two other leading families.
The principal Bedouin tribe of El-Sbarkiych, occupying the shores
of the Balir El-Hadriych, extending almost as far as Dhofar. They are
purely pastoral, and subsist on their herds of camels and flocks of sheep
and goats. Their breed of camels is generally admitted to be one of
the fluest in Arabia. They arc a warlike people with the usual Bedouin
virtues and defects, always ready for a fight when there is a chanco
of plunder in view. They form a large component part in all coalitions
of the eastern tribes, and supply camels to their camelless comrades
of the “ Hadhr" tribes. One of their septs, the Gahafee, to which that
troublesome scamp Hamood-biu-Sa'ced belongs, was originally the
Bedouin portion of the Al-boo-Sa'eed tribe. It amalgamated with the
Al-Wabcobch a long time back, being induced thereto probably by a
similarity in taste for vagabondage. The last great Tcmeeraeh of the
Al-\Yabeebch was Nasir-bin-'Ali, who died at a great age in 18GC. The
present Shaikhs arc Mansoor-bin-Nasir, Sa'ad-bin-S^'ccd-bin-Ndsir,
Sultan-bin-Sa'eed-bin-Nasir, and Hameyd-bin-Kbalifecn-bin-'Ali, all of
the llul-boo Ghafeyleh. They arc divided into six septs, the bcits of
which are as follow :—
Beits of Sept 1. El-Beloosh.
Hal-Boo Ghafeyleh. Kl-Fezareh.
El-Mowafid. Hal-Boo Ma'amar.
Wilad El-Jabameh.
Hal Khaineca. Beits of Skit 3.
Hal-Boo Hadee. Hal Mafaoaj.
Hal Moon is. El-Madhawirch.
Sbelalcbch. Hal Muabin.
Beni Na’auian. Hal ilubarram.
El-Modhakeer. El-Ilatatimeh.
Wilad ’Amir.
Likanecn. Bkits of Sept 4.
El-Mababiseh. Jidaleh.
El-Asakireh. Hal Hamad.
Hal Bara. Wilad Q-HindL
El-Sowawifeh. Wilad DbaUm.
Beits of Sept 5.
Bkits of Sept 2. Hal Mahiseb.
El-JahaheeC llal Bedr.
Wilad Hamad. Hal Hindi.
El-Soman. Hal Sinaw.
El-Showalecb Tal Ghan*b.
El-Mogbejereh. Beits of Sept 6.
Ail Badr. El-Mash ilcireh.
El-Karibineb. El-Ma*simeb.
El-So *aid. El-M aramibeh.