Page 207 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 207
Beni HinXh
Jg a large and rather widely distributed tribe, inhabiting in ’Omin
the towns of Nezwa, Ghumr and Belad-Seyt; and in the \V4dy Scmiil,
the towns of Fanja, Bidlid, Khowdtb and Scroor. The eponymus of
the tribe, IIinfih, is said to have been a descendant of Suleyraeh-bin-
Malik -bin-Fahra El 'Azdi. They bear a good name in the country for
bravery, but are not a very warlike tribe. From the prominence of their
former leader, Khalf-cl-Kuseyr, in the civil wars at the commencement of
the 18th century, the Beni 11 in,Mi have since given their name to the
Yemenite faction. A descendant of Khalf is now the Temeemeh of the
tribe. Ilis name is Hilal-biu-Zaheir, and he is noted as one of the most
resolute and daring Shaikhs in ’Orndn. He distinguished himself in the
time of Seyyid Thoweynee, and though he has not come very prominent
ly forward of late years, he has still great influence. The sub-divisions
are not known to me.
Is a tribe of Ja’alan, mustering about 700 fighting men, and in
league with the Beni-boo-’Ali and Beni Rasid. They are all settled and
agricultural, and occupy six villages, vis., Kfunil, Seif, Ilameydheh,
Teyweb, Boweyrid and Sabt. They command the road between El-
lh-diyoh and Rafsali, and are strong enough to close it at pleasure. The
IVady Beui Khalid is also under their coutrol, and they take taxes from
the various petty tribes inhabiting it. These tribes are collectively
stronger than the llislnn, but as they are disunited, the llishm are able
to retain their supremacy. The Hishm have always been supporters of
Seyyid Toorkee, aud were at the capture of Muttruh from Seyyid 'Azaan
in 1870.
They are divided into twelve septs
Beni ’Omar. El-Zehumeyecn.
El-Towajee. El-Seribimeh. Nasecr. El-Zerood.
Beni Rashid. El-Kovrashim.
El-Mardhibeh. El-Hirzeh.
Beni Seif. El-Hishashameh.
A Ghaffiree tribe in the province of 'Om&n, where they are settled,
cultivating date groves and corn. Their towns are Hamreh, BahlA and
Araki. They are generally a well behaved and peaceable tribe. The
present Shaikh of the 'Ibriyeen is SMim-bin-Mobamraed-bin-Mobsin,
whose father and brother were lately murdered by Hamad-bin-Mohain
with the aid of Shaikh Barghash at Bahl&. For this deed Hamad was
expelled by the tribe, and is now a refugee in Muscat, and the 'Ibrijeen
have established a feud with Barghash.