Page 203 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 203
The 'Awdmir are Bedouins, and are dispersed along the border region
of 'Oman and Dhdliirch, where they roam the desert as far as Dliofdr,
500 miles from* Muscat. A numerous portion of the tribe, however, is
settled and occupies a clump of twelve villages in 'Omdn near Nezwd.
The names of these villages are Kuriatein, .EMIamcjrdah, El-'Akil,
Kl-Salccbeh, El-Halccd, Hamadhcycen, Sliafaa, El-Seeah, El-llabl E1-*
Uadecd, El-Kila'a, Sook El-Kadeeri and.El-Kharmeh.
The 'Awdrair are of the Ma'addic stock, and claim to derive from
,Amir-bin-Sa,asa,a,*but they arc now ranged in the Ilindwi faction. In
character they are reputed to be brave and warlike, but crafty, treacher
ous and predaceous. The more western portiou is said to be very wild,
and their dialect so different that they would be hardly understood of
an 'Amjri settled in 'Omdn.
Their sub-divisions are numerous, and are not all known to me.
The following are the septs in 'Oman Proper. The “Teineerach” of
the tribe is Mobaiuined-bin-Scif, who lives at Kuriatefa
Fakhooth. Shaikhs.
El-Seruheen. Mohammed-bin-Seif.
Awlad ’Amir. Mohammcd-bin-Khamfs.
Scrahaen-cl-Moeyleb. Suliman-bin-Salim.
Awlad Ahmed. Seeaf-bin-Sa'oed.
Awlad Jafd. ’Ali-bin-Uhagheem.
Awlad Moofi_ Tbansee-bin-Said.
Awlad Sheeraz. Suliinan-bin-Rashid. \Ali-bin-Hamad. Saloh-bin-Hashil.
Awlid Sobah. Hamdan-but-Salim.
El-Rakhbah. Haiudan-bin-Mussalim.
Awlad ’Ali-bin-Khalf. Amcyr-bin-Khaleefcen.
El-Ja'Aferah. ’Obeyd-bin-Roweyce.
Awlad Seif. N aj i m • bi n -S a’ced.
El-Mobammed. K h ulfan-bin-Harney d.
Awlad Send. Nasir-bin-Thahey.
El-Khanajereh. Mohammed-bin-llamid.
Awlad Rashid. *Ali-bin-Saleh.
Awlad Salim. Soif-bin-Hamad.
El-IIarimileh Salcem-bin-Salim.
Beni Battash.
A large Hindwi tribe inhabiting the Kurydt district and Hdilgh&f,
their chief villages are Mezdra-Kuryat and Hdil. The Battish bear a
good character and are peaceably disposed. Their occupations are date
cultivation and trade, and they used in former times to breed horses for
the Indian market, for which the rich pasture grounds near Hdil offer
considerable facilities.
The Beni Batt&h are divided into nine Fakbooth as follow
Fakhooth. Shaikhs.
Wilad Faria. Sharas-bin-Mohammed.
WiUd Ward. Mobammed-bin-’AK.
Wilad 8alL Habeeb-bin-Mea'ood.
WiUd Malik. Adhi-bin-Malik*
Wilad Hazam. Abdullah-bin-Rjubid. .
Beni 'Amir. K hoi fiin-bin-Qhaiaaii.
Wilad Jamah. 8eif-bin-8ullmia.
Beni Dfaakar. H atnood -bi n • M ootlioi.
H-Naah. Nasir-Un-SiUm.