Page 202 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 202


                     tribe in 'Omfin who Lave ever come into contact with British troon*
                     on land. In the year 1820, in consequence of the murder of an inter­
                     preter attached to one of the Indian Navy vessels, and as a punishment
                     for certain outrages committed by the tribe on wrecked ships, a force
                     consisting of six guns and three hundred and eighty bayonets of Native
                     infantry marched against them from Soor, in conjunction with a large
                     force of Arabs commanded by His Highness Seyyid Saecd in person.
                     The battle which ensued resulted in the complete defeat of the British force
                     ou the Oth November 1820, all the guns being lost, and the major part
                     of the force being cut to pieces. The survivors, one officer and about
                     one hundred and fifty men, escaped to Muscat on camels after an eight
                     days' journey through El-Sharkiyeh and the Semiiii Valley. The defeat
                     was avenged in the next year by a large force uuder Sir Lionel Smith,
                     who attacked the Beni-boo-'Ali on the 21st March, and inflicted terrible
                     loss on them. A large portion of the tribe was cut up, their town and
                     fort were destroyed, and a number of prisoners, including the Shaikh
                     Mobamraed-bin-'Ali, were taken to Bombay. There they remained two
                     years, when they were sent back with presents to their homes, a grant
                     of money being subsequently made to enable’them to rebuild their
                     houses and .wells. This treatment has had the best effect, and the Beni-
                     boo-'Ali Tribe is now one of the most friendly and well-disposed to the
                     Euglish of any in 'Omfin.
                         The tribe is divided iulo four Fakhooth or Septs as follows :—
                                             1.—Beni Razeek.
                                Beits.                          Shaikhs.
                            Aid la mood eh.                 * A od ul lah-bin-SAli in.
                            Awlid Rna.                             «
                            Aw]id ’Abdul Jebel.                    r*
                            A wind Rabab.                          rt
                            Awlid Ha&san.                          r»
                               Beits.                           Shaikhs.
                            El-Gbanabeea.                   Kbamfs-bin-Najim.
                            Beni Ibrabfm.                   Najim MiflaL
                            Al A boo MukbiL                 ’Amir-bin-Salira.
                            El-Selabikbeb.                  Khamfa-bin-Salim.
                            Aw lad Sakheeleh.               Hameyd-bin-Najim.
                               Beits.                           Shaikhs.
                            El-Mexico Ueh.                  *Abd oil ab-bi n-Hamcy <L
                            El-Mejaghaineb.                 Khauna-bin-Sowejliin.
                            Awl id SeiC                     Eusof-bin-’Ali.
                            Awlad Kbanar.                   Saiim-bi n-M oh a mined.
                               Beits.                           Shaikhs.
                            El-Row itfith.                  Walad Namejdah.
                            El-Mowsrideh.                   Walad Zaheemeh.
                            El-Fabood.                      N aair-bi n-Riahid.
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