Page 387 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 387

AGKNCT FOR 1880-81.    217
                     residency and muscat political

                Contrasted Statement showing the  value and description of Goods
                                  EXTORTED L FROM MU8CAT.
                                Estimate for the year 1880-81.

                                        For the official jrear
                                                          Increase In   Decrease in
                        Class.                             1880-81-  1880*81.
                                       1879*80.  1880-8L

                                       Dollar*.  Dollar*.  Dollar*.  Dollars.
                Dates (pressed)   ...  3,50,000  3,50,000
                Do. (dry)              6,00.000  •1*50.000             60,000
                Do. (black)              4,000     2.500                1,600
                Date juice   ...          COO      1,200      600
                Fruit*     ...          25.000    20,000               6,000
                Dried limes             13.000     10,000    3,000
                Raisins (icbeeb)  ...    2,100     3.500     1.100
                Plums      ...            150        40                  110
                Almonds    ...            250       800       650
                Walnuts    ...             100      200        100
               Tamarind                   400      1,200      800
               Fish                      4,000     2,400               1,600
                Do. small (for manure)    900      2,400     1,500
                Do. sounds   ...         7.500     1,800               6.700
               Shark fius                15.000    4.000               11,000
               Karls                    50.000    60.000     10,000
               M other *o** pearl       35.000    12,000               23,000
               Cvtton                    10,500    9.000               1,500
                Do. fabrics            1,50,000  1,50.000       X
                Do. Kvds                 2.500     1,700                 800
               K< so leave*               450      2.000     1.550
                Do. aster                 800      1,600      700
               Pum^rauate skins...         75        100       25
               Henna      tM             1,600     1.000                 600
               Opium                     5,000     3,500               1.500
               wuat       ;;;           11,000     3,500               7.500
               Rice                     35.000    10,500               24,500
               Jovari                   10.000    moo        7,000
               Barley                              3,000     3^00
               Ghee                      2,500     2,200                300
               Su^ar                              18,000     7,000
               Salt                     25,000    20.000               6,000
               Red ocbf\                  600       600                 100
               Sulphur                   2.000     1.000               1.000
               Madder                     800       400                 400
               Aauftrtida                 350       200                 160
               Garlic                                         150      •••
               Mask                       350       600
               Jloes wood                 700      1.000      200      1,700
               Incense                   3.600     1^00                • ••
               Shuurn                               600       600
               Alo«                       150       300       160
               ^■niu-lrtrc*              2,000     3,600     1600       260
               ****«*’• blood             600       250      • ••
               «udr bud                   600
                                         3.500     <000       600      •••
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