Page 390 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 390

                      Contrasted Statement siiowino the value and description or Goods
                                    imported into Muscat, &c.—continued.

                                                     For the official
                      From           Claw.                           Increase in  Decrease io
                                                                     1880-SI.  1880-31.
                                                    1879-80.  1880-81.

                                                    Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
                            Silk goods               12,000    9,600            2,500
                            Gold thread ...           G.000   19,000   13,000
                            Hemp                      C.000    4,200            1.800
                            Twine                      200      120               80
                            Gunnies                            1,000    1,000
                            Hope, coir                1,100    1,500     400
                            Copper                    1.G00   11,000    9,100
                            Tin and lead ...          4,000    6,200    1,200
                            Steel                      600      300
                            Brass                               600      600
                           j Ironware                 G.000    2,000            4.CA)
                           ; Dyes                     1,500     200             1.300
                           i Indigo
                           j Oil (sweet)             60,000   70.000   20,001
                           ' Do. (kerosine)...         250     1,700    1,150
                           ' Candles                   200      GOO      400
                           . Oil seeds                 200      2*X)
                           ; Ganja (flax seed)         600      GOO      100
                            Sulphur                    300     6.000    5,700
                            Lucifer matches            400      700      300     100
                        -i  Fire-works                 400      300
                        c   Surrungee                  200      200
                            Purwas                                              • ••
                            Saffron                   4.000    1,800              GO
                            Alum                       200      150     • ••     600
                            Wood      ...             2.000    1,500
                            Wines, spirits, & malt liquo  2,000  3,000  ‘i‘,000  • ••
                            Tar                       •••      • ••             •••
                            Clay      ... .                                     •••
                            Paper                     1,000    2,000    1,000   • • • 250
                            Dubbas, empty              250              • ••    3,000
                            DtOf                      8.P00    6.000              100
                            Soda                       700      GOO
                            Gram                                850      850
                            Ghee                              18,000   18,000
                            Cummin seed ...                   11,000   11,000
                             Coriander                         1,000    1.000
                            Garlic                              160      160
                            Salammontac ...                     100      100
                             Hyacinth   • ••                    100      100
                             Borax                               60       60
                             Caraway seed ...                    40       40
                           . Hide#                             1,700    1,700

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