Page 393 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 393

                                            THE VALUE AND DESCRIPTION OP GOODS
                 Contrasted Statement showing
                             IMPORTED INTO MUSCAT, &LV  continued.

                                              For the official
                                                            Increase in   Decrease in
                 From        Class.                          1880-81.  1880-81.
                                            1879-80.  1880-81.

                                            Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
                      Cocoanuts               2,500    1,700              800
                      Monkey-nuts ...          600      450               150
                      Cotton (American)      61,000   27,000            34.000
                      Do. twist
                      Paper                   1,400    1,200              200
                      Cloves                  1,800    4,500    2,700
                      Wood rafters ...        4.000     900              3,100
                      Fowling-pieces          3.000    1,100    »#•      1,900
                      Frankincense ...   ...  1,200     700               500
                      Antimony ’...             150     250      100
                      Ambergris                300     1.000     700
                     | Civet                  2,000     700              1,300
                     . Dragon’s blood          COO      coo
                  2   Arabian gum (mukal)      150      200                50
                  £   Wild cypress seeds     16,000   23,000    7,000
                     'Otto of roses ...       6,000     3X)              4,700
                  c  |Shunna
                  v.                           300      400      100
                     • Cum                     160      160
                     . Souna leaves ...   fc..  500     250               250
                     I Aloes                  1,800    3,600    1,700   • ••
                  5  | Fish oil               1,000    1,800     800
                      Tallow    ...    tM      600                        500
                  z  i Cowries                2,400    7,000    4, GOO
                  o  I Soap (American)         800                        800
                  C4,  I Muther-o'-pearl     35,000                    .35,000
                      Oil (kerosine)          5,000    7.500    2,500
                      Clock.                            240      240
                      ft'100...............            1,100    1,100
                                ........................  100    100    • ••
                                                        200      200
                      Kszors                            250      250    • ••
                      Fez (red caps) ..                 500      500
                      Flour (American)                 1.500    1,500
                      Candles                           250      250
                      Miscellaneous articles, such
                       a* rafters, wood for native
                       craft, empty boxes, &c__  7,000  3,000            4jOOO
                                  Total ...   1.60,300  98,640  27.640  89,300
                                  Specie ...  25,000  60.000   25»000
                              Grand Total ...  1,85,300  1,48,610  62^10  89,300
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