Page 389 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 389

                    BES1DKNCT AND MUSCAT
               Contrasted Statement showing  THE  VALUE AND DESCRIPTION OF GOODS
                                  IMPORTED INTO MUSCAT.
                               Extimate for the year 1880-81.

                                            For the official
                                                  in   Decrease in
               From        Claw.                            1880-81.  1880-81.

                                          1879-80.  1880-81.

                                          Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollar*.
                  f Barley                    COO    6,200    4,600
                    Rice, Bengal          6,62,500  6,03,3*12         59,158
                     Do. Malabar            3,700      800             2,900
                     Do. red                1,200    1,200
                    Wheat                  19.000   40.000   21,000
                    Bajri                     400    1,100     700
                    .lowari                12,000   24.000   12,000
                    Dhal                      750    2,700    1,950
                   j Sugar                 48,000   60.000   12,000
                   ; Sugar-candy              800    1,300     600
                   | Jaggery                  200      176               25
                   , Coffee                24,000   30,000    6,000
                    Tea                       100                        100
                   !Pe                      2.500    7.000    4,600
                    Turmeric                1.500    1,600      100
                   'Card3 moms              1,600    3,100    1,600
                   |Ci nnamon               2,300    3,500    1,200
                   j Dinger (dry) ...         200     250       60
                    Nutmegs                   160     200       40
                -i  Betel-nuts                400     600      200     • ••
                   Cocoanuts (fresh)          280      170              110
                      *»   (dry)              350     350
                   Tamarind                   700    1,600     800     • ••
                    Monkey-nuts ...         1.350    1,200              160
                    Musk                    3.000    3.600     600
                    Aloes wood              6.000    3.000    • ••     3,000
                    Frankincense ...        2.600    3,000     600
                   Sandal-wood, chips       1.800    1,200              600
                   Camphor                   400      400     • ••     • ••
                   Gooraocoo                 450      600      160     • ••
                   Cotton (damaged)          600     2.400    1.900
                     Do. stuff* ...       1,06,000  1,60,000  44,000   • ••
                     Do. cloth (bine)      24.000   22,600   • ••      1.500
                   TurWj (r*d) ...          8.000    2,500   •••       6,600
                    Handkerchiefs (coloured) •   3,600  2,250  • ••    1.250
                    Chintz ...             15.000    3,000            12.000
                   Twut                    56.000   76,240   20,240
                   Sewing eotton."           800      600               200
                   ! Broadcloth             3,000    1,000             2.000
                   j        loongees        1,000    1.000   • ••
                             • ••          12,000    9,000             2,400
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