Page 403 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
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as to the mode of procedure in dealing on such occasions with the Chief
of El-Bida'a. # '
Shaikh Jasim, in December, professed to he in much dread of an
attack by the Beni Yas, of Aba Zhabee, but eventually he came to a
friendly understanding with Shaikh Zaeed-biu-Klialcefah.
5. Southern Persia and Persian Biluckistan.
Arabistan.—The important event of the year was the death of Haji
Jabir Khan Nusrut-ul-Mulk, Governor of Mohammerah, which occurred iit
October. Moharamerah was founded by Shaikh Mardao,of the Muheysin
branch of the Ka'ab Arabs, the father of Haji Jabir Khan, at a time when
the district belonged to Turkey. The late chief was a man of remark*?
able ability, and played his difficult part up to the last with much tact
and success. Haji Jabir has left two sons, Mohammed and Mizal. The
latter (the younger) is considered the abler, and is at present administering
the government of the district; whilst his elder brother has proceeded
to Ispahan, either to be kept out of the way or in furtherance of some
intrigue. No disturbances ensued on the death of Haji Jabir.
The province of Arabistan has remained under His Royal Highness the
Zil-es-Sultan, who first appointed Araeerzadah Abdullah Mirzab Governor
in place of Jailer Koolee Khan, and subsequently the Ihtisham-es-Saltan-
ah, whose name is Khan Lar Khan Mirza, received this appointment.
During the autumn, Shaikh Rahmab was appointed Governor of
Felahiah; Meer Abdullah, of Deb Moolah; and Moolah Mutallib, of
French commercial agents appeared at Mohammerah, and displayed
activity in establishing a footing. . A consignment of breech-loading
rifles and ammunition imported by the French was temporarily taken
possession of by the local authorities, but the arms were subsequently
returned and sold at very low prices.
The River Karoon and the “bund'’ of Ahwaz have been examined
recently by English, French, and Persian officers, but as yet navigation
of that river is unopened.
Fare [Shiraz and interior districts).—The government of Fare has
remained in the hands of Kis Royal Highness the Zil-es-Sultan.
In June the newly-appointed Governor of Shiraz, the “Sahib-i-
Diwan,” arrived there, accompanied by the young Jelal-ed-Dowlah, son
of the Zil-es-Sultan, The Kowwam-nl-Mulk retained the government
of the districts he had last year, with Gaobandee added; and his brother
Nasseer-ul-Mulk obtained the Behbehan and Mamasannee districts in
addition to Bunder Abbass and Lingah.
Mirzah Hoosain Khan, son of the Sahih-i-Diwan, obtained the districts
of Neyriz, Istabanat, and Bowanat. Haji Mirza Aga Khan, wakeel,
and his brother* Fazl Ali Khan, got Kazeroon, Khisht-, and Komarej ;
and Mirza Ahmed Khan Mu'ecd-ul-Mulk, son-in-law and nephew of the
Sahib-i-Diwan, Jehroorn, Keer, Karzeen, and Gillahdar.
The Foreign Office Agent of Shiraz, Mirza Sadik Khan, was replaoed
by Mohammed Takee Khan.
The Eel Khnnee, Sultan Mohammed Khan, and Haji Nasroolah Khan
Sirteep, Eel Begeo, were appointed to the superintendence of the Kash-
Kai Eels. Iu the summer, one Seyyid Ali Akoar commenced persecuting