Page 404 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 404


                     the Jews of Shiraz, heating them, cutting off their hair, &c.; and a
                     general massacre was eveu threatened. The Zil-es-Sultan, however
                     put a stop to these proceedings for the time.                       9
                        Buz hire* Haji Mohammed Baker Khan having vacated the      govern-
                     ment of Bushire,   was succeeded by the Moteraid-es-Sultan, Mirza
                    Mohammed Khan Mustowfi Nizam. In the interim, between tlie de­
                    parture of the late and the arrival of the new Governor, Mirza Ali Akbar
                    Khan, Foreign Office Agent, took charge of Bushire, and proved so mis­
                    chievously obstructive that, at the instance of Her Majesty’s Minister,
                    he was recalled. His successor is Haji Mirza .Abdullah Khan, the Foreign
                    Office Agent for Bunder Abbass.
                        In the last report mention was made of a special agent deputed from
                    Teheran to arrange about British claims against a fraudulent defaulter.
                    This agent, Mirza Moosa Khan, continued to protract his stay to a
                    period of 16 months, during which he lived on the debtor, and it appeared
                    that he was chiefly concerned in the interests of the latter. Another
                    case of swindling English merchants, iu which the culprit is an Armenian,
                    occupied considerable attention. In both these cases the culprits have
                    been suffered to escape from custody.
                        In August information was received of the sale of some Indian lads
                    in Shiraz by Persian horse-dealers, and the matter was represented to
                    Her Majesty’s Minister, by whose action one of the lads has been recovered
                    and some of the culprits punished.
                       Mohammed Khan, Chief of Daslitee, died in June at Bushire, where
                    he was in close imprisonment for alleged arrears of revenue. A nephew,
                    named Jamal Khan, son of Hy der Khan, succeeds to the charge of Dashtee.
                       Lirigah*—Shaikh Yoosuf has continued to hold the post of Deputy
                    Governor of Lingah. Towards the end of the official year (March), it
                    was reported that Lingah was separated from the Government of Fars
                    and made over to the Ameen-es-Sultan at Teheran. It appears that the
                    customs of Lingah, as well as Bunder Abbass and Bushire, have been
                    farmed by the Ameen-es-Sultan, hut it is denied by the highest author­
                    ity that the Governments of Lingah and Bunder Abbas have been
                    withdrawn from the Zil-es-Sultan- However, the Nusseer-ul-Mulk has
                   lost these places, and it has not transpired with whom the real authority
                       Bunder Ablaze.—The arrangements for the administration of Bunder
                   Abbass have been of late unsatisfactory.
                       The Chief of Kisbm, Shaikh Suggur, died, and has been succeeded by
                   his nephew, Shaikh Hasan-bin-Mohammed.
                       Persian Biluchislan.—A summary of leading events in this district
                   has been furnished by the Deputy Director, Persian Gulf Telegraphs, in
                   political charge of Mekran Coast.                                -1
                       The Chief of Dashtyaree has since been reinstated, and Sirdar Ibra*
                   him Klian, Governor of Bawpoor, has been deposed by the Persian Gov­
                   ernment at the instance of Her Majesty's Minister at Teheran. A Persian
                   Commission has been despatched to Charbar to inquire into the vanous
                   °°mSimma ‘ry: Stolen cam eh.—No new cases of camel theft occurred
                   during the year under review on the Gwadur Jask division of the Jana
                   Uue; and no eases reported w last r&umd have as yet been settled, not.
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