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                                                  PART II.

                                            FOR THE YEAR 1882-83.

                         During the night o£ tho 11th March 1882, Ibraheem-hin-Keis
                      (AlbooSaeed) took Mesna’a by surprise. The commander of the gariisoa
                      was Eussufi Abdur Raheeni (Belooch), and the Wali of Mesna*a at that
                      time was Masood bin-Sad-bin-Smvcilim, cousin of Suleiman-bin-Suweilira,
                      Wall of Dhofar. Three of the garrison were killed, and the remainder,
                      having been disarmed, allowed to depart. The persons and property
                      of the British subjects carrying on business there were not molested.
                      Ibraheem-bin-Keis informed the Political Agent of the fact by letter.
                         2. On the 21th March His Highness Seyyid Toorkee requested that
                      the British subjects iu Mesna’a might be warned to leave the place and
                      remove their property, as it was his intention to retake it by force of
                      arms. Commander Edwards, Her Majesty’s ship Heady, was accord­
                      ingly requested to proceed thither to give notice to the British
                      subjects, and, having done so, returned on the 27th March. On the 4th
                      April His Highness Seyyid Toorkee started for Mesna’a by sea in bis
                      steam yacht Dar-el-Salaam, hiking with him an 18-pounder siege gun
                      and some 150 men, aud at the same time sending about an equal number
                      by land. AtBurka His Highness landed and got together an additional
                      force, composed of men from different tribes, which he also despatched to
                      Mesna’a. On the 4th April Her Majesty’s ship Ready proceeded
                      to Mesna’a to watch events. Mesna’a was bombarded during the 9th and
                      forenoon of the 10 th April, and at about noon on that day was taken by
                      storm. The place is said to havebeen obstinately defended, and there was
                      considerable loss on both sides. Ibraheem-bin-Keis was himself at
                      Kustak, organising, it was said, a descent on Muscat. Her Majesty’s
                      ship Ready returned to Muscat during the night of the 10th April,
                     bringing some 21 wounded men from Mesna’a, who were immediately
                      sent to the civil hospital. The crew of Her Majesty’s ship Ready
                      made a subscription on board for the wounded, for which act of
                     kindness His Highness desired his thanks to be conveyed to Com­
                     mander Edwards, and those under his command. His Highness Seyyid
                     Toorkee returned the following morning, and immediately visited the
                     wounded in hospital. Some of the Hindu merchants at Mesna'a
                     complained that the Sultan’s soldiers had pillaged some of their property.
                     A representation was made to His Highness Seyyid Toorkee, who replied
                     that a fortnightly notice had been given them to clear out, and their
                     claims were disallowed. A certain amount of prestige has, doubtless,
                     accrued to His Highness Seyyid Toorkee from the successful termination
                     of these operations.
                        S. In the month of May a collision was expected to occur between
                     the Beni Jabir (Ghafree) and Beni Rooaha (Hinawee) in Wadi.Samaeel
                     in consequence of the former having destroyed some date trees belonging
                     to the latter. These two tribes are always at feud. On 30th May

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