Page 574 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 574
do van co of strength at the cost of the Nidabec-ecn. This at any rate
was their excuse, but I think the true source of their disaffection is to
be found in the usual fickleness of the 'Omtfnces.
7. For tho remainder of the official year, the tranquillity of the
country generally remained undisturbed. y
8. On the 16th August Scyyid Mahomed, Wali of Soliar, Hia
Highness Seyyid Toorkee's eldest son, came to spend the 'Fed of Ramad-
zan in Muscat; he returned to Sohar on the 26th August.
9. In the beginning of October, a Sindhee, named Ismaeel Eesa, was
robbed at Muttra in open day by some Wababecs, and was further
insulted and threatened in presence of Seyyad Feisul by a Sheikh of the
*VYahabee mercenaries. After some pressure His Highness Seyyid
Toorkee imprisoned the Sheikh for 10 days and made him pay 313 to the
Sindhee by way of compensation. The other offenders, however, escaped.
10. During this month Saleh-bin-Ali (A1 Harith) of Ibra asked per
mission to visit the Sultan in Muscat, accompanied by 150 followers.
His Highness declined the proposed visit.
11. About this time also the Makabeel and Naeem were reported to
he devastating the country about Sohar, not, however, from any political
motive, but solely for the sake of plunder.
12. On the 4th November, Seif-bin-Musin (Beni Hina), commander
of the garrison (composed of Beni Hina) of the strong fort of Hazam
in the Ba*ineb, which for the last 12 years has belonged to Ibraheem-bin-
Keis (Alboo Saeed), returned from a visit to Hilal-bin-Zahir (Beni
Hina), (one of the most leading men in the country) at Nezwa, and im
mediately turned the wife and all the servants of Ibraheem-biu-Kcis
out of the fort. Hilal-bin*Zahir, who was undoubtedly at the bottom of
the affair, wrote to His Highness Seyyid Toorkee, that if he would give
him active support, he would also seize the fort of Rastak, which was
then garrisoned by the Deni Hina; but Ibrsdieem-bin-Keis, on hearing
what bad occurred at Hazara, called upon the Beni Rooaha to take the
places of the Beni Hina in Rastak, which they did without auy collision
occurring, and Hilal's opportunity was lest. His Highness Seyyid
Toorkee endeavoured to get Hazam made over to him, but in January
1833, through the mediation of the very learned Mahomcd-bin-Suleiyim
(A1 Gharahee) and influence of the Yal Sad, the fort was restored to
lbrahcem-hin-Keis by the Beni Hina, and is now garrisoned by his
13. On the 9th January 1888 His Highness Seyyid Toorkee pro
ceeded to Gwadur forchange of air and returned on the 80th January,
having benefited by the change.
14. During this month a fight took place near Ibra between Al
Harith and Al Musakara, in’which 15 men were killed on both sides. ^
15. Towards the end of Jannaty a letter arrived from Suleiman-bin-
Suwcilim, \Yali of Dhofar, saying that the people of Dhofar (Awameer,
Germ Knthecr) had besieged the fort and asking for reinforcements, and
on tho 17th February Ilis Highness 6cnt 70 men and a 10-pounder gun
to Dhofar, but in the meantime the fort having proved impregnable, the
siege had been raised, and the reinforcements were therefore sent