Page 132 - Arabian Studies (I)
P. 132

116                                               Arabian Studies I

                       1.  In Thorkild Hansen, Arabia Felix London, 1964.
                       2.  According to the East India Company Records of 1733, the following
                     weights were used in Mocha:
                          1 Frazcl (fardsilah) ................                . 30 lbs.
                          1 Bahar .................................            450 lbs.
                     In Bait al-Faqih, however, they were:
                          1 Frazcl (fardsilah)................    20 lbs., 5 oz., 9 drachms
                          1 Bahar .................................  .........................814 lbs.
                       3.  In Orders given by the Court of Directors, on 10 November 1732, to
                     Captain Bcresford of the Prince William bound for Mocha the Captain is
                       ... If you meet with any good Aloes Soccatrina at reasonable prices, We
                       would have you buy and lade as far as Ten Tons, provided they are of the
                       right Sort, clean and good, and for your Information therein, the best when
                       broke are brittle like black Rosin, very clear and transparent, and makes a
                       fine yellow powder, which sort will yield a good price, if it is of a muddy liver
                       Colour and soft, it is worth very little, this Commodity is generally run into
                       Skins or Bladders, and then put into Chests or Casks, which is the best way of
                       bringing it home.
                       4.  Arabia Felix.
                       5.  In a report to the Directors, Mr. Dickinson states:
                       The price of camel hire generally rising the latter end of the season as your
                       Honours observe, to prevent which it was thought the best way to agree with
                       the Muccadom (,Muqaddam, headman) of the Camelmen at a certain price for
                       the whole season, and it was agreed to 3 Spanish Dollars and 5 Cavers (Kabirs)
                       per load.
                       6.  The Company’s directors in London had written, in Captain Beresford’s
                     orders of 10 November 1732:
                       ... We have dispatcht this Ship early, in hopes she will get to Mocha by the
                       middle of April at furthest, that you may have time before you to get the
                       Cargo speedily on Board, and be returning to us in July ...
                       7.  The precaution of sounding out the political situation was suggested by
                     the Court of Directors in England, in their orders and instructions of 10
                     November 1732:
                       By our Advices from Bombay We have been inform’d of the bad temper
                       and disposition of Fuquehamed [Faqih Ahmad] the present Governor
                       of Mocha, that he is an enemy to all Europeans, extorts Money from the
                       Merchants and that he disputes over Priviledges of Shipping Coffee paying
                       only the 3% Custom as granted by the Imam’s Phirmaund, [firman, decree] if
                       on Your Arrival he should still be Governour, that first fully informing
                       Yourselves how Affairs stand, which you may easily do in case Mr. Dickinson
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