Page 130 - Arabian Studies (I)
P. 130

114                                                A rabian Studies l

                     (e) Referring to the transfer from the Prince William to the Prince
                     of Wales of the twenty-two soldiers
                     We have put [them] on board the Prince of Wales Galley, the
                     Surgeon demanding fourty lour Spanish Dollars for his care of
                     them in the Passage, we paid it to him, and send your Honours his
                     receipt for the Same.
                     (J) Referring to the necessity to pay 2,500 Spanish dollars to
                     Faqih Ahmad
                     . . . I hope our Hon’blc Masters will take it into consideration as
                     well as call them to an Account for all their exactions and
                      impositions, which if they find we sit quiet under, we may expect
                      they will be constantly repeated, as well as their Demands

                   6 July
                   The Prince William sails for England.

                   7 July to 8 August
                   Little of interest occurs in the following month. Mr. Dickinson
                   meticulously records the comings and goings of East India Com­
                   pany’s ships and those of other trading nations. On August, he goes
                   to the Governor’s house to settle the Company’s account. A quarrel
                   develops once again in respect of a present for the Imam. Finally, the
                   2,500 Spanish dollars imposition is deducted, in return for which the
                   Governor states that the 600 bales custom exemption will not apply
                   in future unless the Imam receives a present equal in value.

                   9 August

                   The Governor sends a message to say that he wished to borrow 5,000
                   Spanish dollars, to be set against customs duties for the following
                   year. On refusing this request, Mr. Dickinson is not permitted to
                   board his ship. The demand is lowered to 2,500 Spanish dollars. Mr.
                   Dickinson finally feels forced to pay.
                     A letter is sent to Mr. Dickinson’s Indian assistants, who are to
                   remain in Mocha:
                     To Bursotan Wullubchun Jockercy Rajepole (Purusottam Vallab-
                   chand JaykarjT Rajpal?) and Ratchy Runchor (RanjI Rancod?).
                        We having left in your hands the sum of One hundred Thousand
                     Spanish Dollars to be invested in Coffee for Account of the
                     Hon’ble Company, and as we are in hopes thro’ the great quantity
                     of rains that have lately fallen the price will be considerably
                     cheaper when the new crop comes in, therefore we do not limit
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