Page 14 - Arabian Studies (I)
P. 14

2                                                 Arabian Studies I
                    the order and placing of the Himyaritic months; but also, the text in
                    Arabic script enables us to sec that in some cases the form of a
                    month-name as hitherto accepted is a misreading which needs to be
                    corrected. The subjoined table shows, (a) the Himyaritic months as
                    named in the Arabic prose text, (b) their equivalents in the European
                    calendar, and (c) the epigraphically attested names.
                      • (a)                         (b)                        (c)
                        1^.cJ 1 y J              October                     dsrbn

                           1 y J                 November                   dmhltn
                        sFt\ yj                  December                   din

                       CbuJl yJ                  January                    ddt
                                                 February                    dhltn

                        c-y** )J                 March                       dm ‘n

                                                 April                       dtbtn

                              y J                May                         dmbkrn

                      JsLjfcJl y J               June                        dqyzn

                                                 July                        dmdr'h

                    O _M y J                     August                      dhrf

                                                 September                   (d)'ln
                    dmhltn is attested in Jamme 545; and there can now be no
                    reasonable doubt that the Corpus editor’s reading dmhgtn in C 46
                    must be amended to the same form. In the palaeography of these late
                    texts, g and / are virtually indistinguishable, and the editor’s h is
                    clearly a mistake.5
                    din was so read by Mordtmann and Mittwoch, and by the Repertoire
                    editor, in R 4157/7. In my monograph, I had proposed amending
                    this to dllltnj, a name occurring in the earlier Sabaean material; but
                    the manuscript shows this conjecture to have been unfounded.
                    dhltn, occurring in C 621, has hitherto been read as dhgtn\ but see
                    above in connection with dmhltn.
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