Page 182 - Arabian Studies (I)
P. 182


                    166                                                Arabian Studies I

                       caravan to take care of the boxes and othe receptacles in which
                       the food supplies (sanflj) of the caravan were transported.
                       (5) Najjar al-Kur. Besides the above-mentioned carpenter the staff
                       of the Amir al-Hdjj included another carpenter whose duty was to
                       attend to the camel saddles (kilr) in the train of the Amir al-IIdjj.
                       (/) K/nilF al-Ag/mdm. He was in charge of the sheep and provided
                       the kitchen of the Amir al-Hdjj with the requisite supply of meat.
                       (if) Al-Mabashshirun bi-’l-Ddr. As their name indicates they had
                       intimate knowledge of the route and therefore announced to the
                       pilgrims in advance their arrival at the various stations along the




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