Page 191 - Arabian Studies (I)
P. 191
Notes and Communications 175
1. The basic work on the coinage of the WajiTiids is R. Vasmer, ‘Zur
Gcschichtc und Munzkunde von ‘Oman im X. Jahrhundert’, Zeitschrift fur
Numismatik XXXVII (1927), pp. 274-87, which incorporates all previous work
on the subject. Some additions to Vasmer’s lists may be found in E. von
Zambaur, Die Miinzpragungen dcs Islams, Wiesbaden, 1968, pp. 179-80. The
Wajlhid dinars which Zambaur saw in the ‘Baghdad Hoard’ in Istanbul have now
been published by Nasir al-Naqshabandl, in ‘Kanz Khidr Ilyas’, Sumer X
(1954), Arabic section, p. 190. Both Zambaur and al-Naqshabandl merely list
dates, without descriptions; al-Naqshabandfs list is marred by several errors.
2. This coin and numbers 3 and 4 below were acquired by Mr. Newman from an
American who had resided in SaTIdf Arabia.
3. Two other specimens of this mint and date are known; one in a private
collection and one in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
4. A dirham of 318 was acquired by the Ashmolean Museum in 1962; see
Helen Mitchell, ‘A Hoard of Dirhams from Ardekan’, Numismatic Chronicle,
series 7, V, 1965, p. 211. Another dirham of the same mint and date, but with
purely ‘Abbasid inscriptions, was described by Izzet Holu Pacha, Monnaies
anciennes musulmanes, Constantinople, 1318/1901, p. 39, no. 125. The coin
was not illustrated, so that doubt regarding Izzet’s reading of the mint-name
remains permissible. The remaining dates listed for Yusuf will be found cither in
Vasmer or Zambaur.
5. For a discussion of these dates, see Vasmer, pp. 280-81.
6. Again see Vasmer, pp. 280-81. The coins are all in Zambaur, pp. 179-80.
Another dirham of 641, from a private collection, was seen in the A.N.S. in
7. Vasmer, p. 287; A. D. H. Bivar and S. M. Stern, ‘The Coinage of Oman
under Abu Kalijar the Buwzyhld', Numismatic Chronicle series 6, XVIII (1958),
p. 147.
8. On him, see Bivar and Stern, p. 149.