Page 249 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 249
(By Group Captain H. P. G. Leigh, State Engineer.)
Electricity Department.—The year 1364 has manifestly been the most difficult one
encountered since the installation of the first two Generating Sets in May 1930. The chief trouble
experienced was an insufficient output to meet the hot weather demands for electricity and the
necessity to shut off consumers for regular periods during the months of April to December owing
to overloads and mechanical breakdowns. In addition, shut downs not attributable to cither of the
above causes but essential for normal Maintenance became necessary.
The R.A.F. Muharraq commenced the operation of their own plant on 1st June and thereby
released all their load from the Government Power Station. This load was of an average order of
100 KW. Despite this release, it was necessary to cut off supply to certain consumers in Manamah
and the whole of Muharraq at regular daily intervals until the end of the year.
The total rating of the 3 Generating Sets in service is 400 KW but it has not been possible to
generate more than 250 KW during continuous running periods. This low output, representing only
62*5% of the rated capacity, is the result of the steadily decreasing factor of mechanical efficiency
of the engines brought about by long life fatigue the unsuitability of artesian well water for cooling and
inefficient maintenance.
It is abundantly clear that maintenance has for a long time been neglected and the chief cause
has been the non-availability of reserve generating capacity which is essential for the efficient operation
of machinery of this type.
It has not been possible to take any of the generating sets out of service for the requisite period,
consequently, maintenance mostly had to be done between the hours of midnight and early morning
when loads were at a minimum. Such periods have been of necessity not more than five or six hours
at one time. This curtailed the amount of work undertaken and caused it to be hurriedly carried out,
also the engines had not sufficient time to cool down after the previous period of running. The
extreme discomfort suffered by the mechanics and the difficulties caused by use of electric light as
opposed to daylight has been a further contibutory factor to the quality and quantity of the main
tenance work actually completed.
Additional generating plant of 200 K W capacity became available in March. It had been arranged
that Mirrlces should send out a qualified man from England to erect the plant. He was to visit
Bahrain on his way to India. After considerable delay it was learned that he had been diverted
direct to India. Arrangements were then made for a second man to come out but his departure from
England was also delayed. As some essential building materials were not available, the necessary
extension to the Power House was not completed until the end of September. This was done by
specially engaged personnel from local sources also a few permanent P.W.D. staff and the work was
supervised by the State Engineer.
The casting of the foundation bed requiring specialised equipment not available in any of the
Government Departments, also the erection of the Engine and Generator was carried out by the Bahrain
Petroleum Co., who supplied all essential requirements together with some skilled personnel and
technical supervision. This work was completed during the last week in November and since that
date steady but slow progress has been made with the erection of the auxiliary plant, The non-
availability of sufficient skilled personnel has, however, retarded progress. Extension of the overhead
Gantry tramway has also been completed following the supply of the necessary steel work by the
Bahrain Petroleum Company Limited.
It is confidently expected that the new generating set will be put into service before the com
mencement of the next hot season, but this will be dependent upon the arrival of certain plant on
special and urgent order from England in connection with an improved cooling system utilising distilled
water. It has not been found possible to use the raw water supply available for this purpose owing