Page 254 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 254

                    Municipal Water Scheme.—Specifications and quotations arc awaited from Messrs. Holloway
                Brothers, England, whose representative visited Bahrain and discussed preliminaries with the State
                Engineer during September 1945.
                    Power House Artesian WelL—A new artesian well for the Power House Plant was drilled
                during the months of January and February 1945. The work was carried out by means of His
                Highness's " Star Speed 71 ” drilling machine loaned by him to the Department. The final depth was
                recorded at 234 ft. giving a static head of i2'-5$' (High Tide). The previously used artesian well
                which had a defective casing was plugged to surface with cement.
                     Supervisory Staff.—There are at present three supervisory staff vacancies of which two may
                be filled within the early part of 1365. The lack of competent supervisors in the past has had a
                marked bearing on the general low standard of efficiency of the plant and equipment in the Departmet.
                In addition to the vacant appointments of Distribution Maintenance Foreman, and Refrigerator and
                A.C. Unit Maintenance Mechanic, the Department is deficient of an Electrical Maintenance and Dis­
                tribution Superintendent. This appointment was relinquished by the last employee at his own
                request after approximately one year’s service as such in November ig45- To date it has not been
                possible to obtain a suitable replacement.
                     Repair Staff.—The average standard of skill in all trades is very low, and this fact, combined
                with the scarcity of proper facilities and tools is manifest in the present general inefficient condition
                of the plant and equipment in the Department. This also applies to outside facilities which have had to
                be used over a period of years. When the Workshop equipment and tools on order become available
                it is intended to make the Department self-supporting for all repair and maintenance work.
                     Since the Department was formed in 1349 efforts have been made to train Bahrainis in the
                 work of the various sections, but generally speaking, they do not seem to readily acquire the skill of
                 hand which is required. The Department has 122 employees of all classes of which only 9 are foreigners
                 (British subjects).

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