Page 250 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 250


                  to its extreme hardness and scale forming characteristics. This additional plant now awaited has
                  therefore become an imperative requirement and its supply should have been considered when the
                  generating set was placed on order in September 1943.
                       Power Distribution.—The major part of the power distribution in Manamah and Muharraq is
                  effected by H.T. & L.T. copper feeder lines carried on steel standards. The general condition of the
                  lines is considered to be satisfactory from the standpoint of safety and no more than two breakages
                  have occurred during the year. Transmission and Transformer losses have been reduced by 1*9%
                  during the year. Several sections require to be replaced by larger diameter copper to increase
                  their load carrying capacity, and also, in some cases, the standards require to be re-positioned to
                  conform with road widening, building operations, etc. Several lines in the Manamah Town area
                  have been re-positioned but further progress has been impeded owing to the non-availability of
                  essential equipment.
                       Lines inspection and maintenance have been very much neglected over a number of years
                  and no permanent staff has been retained for this most essential requirement. A linesman and cable
                  jointer was engaged for this work during May 1945 but left after a period of two months only. To
                  date no replacement has been available but one is shortly expected from India.
                       The steel power line standards are in a large number of cases badly corroded and require early
                  replacement. Corrosion is equally excessive both below and above ground. A considerable number
                  have been rendered unserviceable owing to damage by motor traffic. No spare standards have been
                  available excepting a small quantity specially manufactured by the Bahrain Petroleum Company
                  Limited, from old steel casing from their oil wells plant. An order for fifty new standards was placed
                  in England during September and early supply is anticipated. Upon arrival they will be erected as

                       Future Planning.—On a five years plan, it is considered that a minimum generating capacity
                  of 1,200 K\V will be required to provide for increased demands and reserve. The latter is a most
                  essential requirement to cover breakdowns and the impossibility of obtaining spare parts at reason­
                  ably short notice from England. I11 addition, reserve capacity should be large enough to carry
                  the maximum daily load thereby allowing sufficient time in which to carry out maintenance on the
                  stand-by plant. To date, one set of a rated output of 300 KW has been firmly placed on orders
                   and enquiries are being made towards the provision of additional plant. Some concern is felt over
                   the reported date of completion of the electrical part of the contract which is approximately one
                   year later than the date quoted for the completion of the diesel engine. It is essential that the
                   supply of the engine and alternator also associated auxiliaries should be coincident. Urgent
                   enquiries are being made in order to provide this vital requirement.
                       New Load.—Extra load connected during the year amounted to 89-5 KW. The nature of
                   the new load was as follows :—
                            Lights and fans                        .. 56-450 K.W.
                            Power, Motors, etc. ..                 .. 32-4I3   ..
                            A.C. Units                             ••   o-373   „
                            Refrigerators ..                           0-264
                                                                      89-500 K.W.
                            Total connected load at the end of 1363 ..  ..1092-500   „
                                                                    1182-000 K.W.
                             Less: R.A.F. Muharraq connected load at the end of 1363. 246-500
                                                                     935-500 K.W.
                             Plus: Supply to R.A.F. Tank Installation and emergency
                              supply to R.A.F. camp......................  .. 100-000
                             Total connected load at the end of 1364 ..  ..1035-500 K.W.
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