Page 417 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 417


           Ophthalmia is more treated than any other disease and the Trichiasis (intruned eyelashes) opera­
        tion is one of the most frequent. This ultimate complication of trachoma is likely to diminish con-
        sidcrably in the next generation which shows promising signs of enlightenment and greater care of
        the body.
           Malaria is well under control, but more is being done and wholesale D.D.T. spraying schemes
        arc under consideration.
           Venereal disease had diminished since the late war years and the clinics are well attended and
       appreciated. Reforms for greater supervision are not likely to be realised at present.
           In short the chronic diseases prevail, and these arc the hardest to combat, because it involves
       a change of life. The coming generation are likely to produce this change of life.


                             MALE STATISTICS 1366—(1947)

            Outpatients              New Cases. Return Cases.  Totals.
                 Hospital ..           10.635    56,062      66,697
                 Muharraq              13.372     16,309     29,681
                 Dispensaries          1.523        622      2,145
                 Schools ..            4.475                 4.475
                 Police                1.458      3.652      5.110
                                      31.463     76.645     108,108

            Inpatients                                      Totals.
                 Government Hospital        • • 1.485"
                 Isolation Hospital             318 -          1.9*3
                 European Nursing Home ..       HO,

                 Major                          549
                 Minor (Hospital) ..        .. 3,082 >        4.364
                 Minor (Dispensaries)       ••   733 „

                 V. D.                         3.5i6 I
                 Emetine                        801
                 T. A. B.                       485
                 Quinine                        280           9.946
                 Cholera                        398
                 Penicillin                    1.456
                 Others                        3.010 -

            Vaccinations                    .. 1,499          1.499
   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419   420   421   422