Page 419 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 419


                 Malaria                                          300
                 Abscess, Boil and Ulcer                          156
                 Worms                                            132
                 Respiratory Disease                              127
                 Abdominal Disease                                124
                 Venereal Disease ..                              104
                 Rheumatism, etc. ..                               88
                 Ophthalmia ..                                    103
            The figures remain unchanged, except for Malaria which is still too high an incidence, and is
       very difficult to eradicate.

                                MALE IN-PATIENTS
            1. Surgical
                 Abscess, Boil and Ulcer                          125
                 Acute Abdomen                                      8
                 Hernia                                            46
                 Emergency Injuries                                48
                 Fractures                                         29
                 Piles                                            287
                 Fistula-in-Ano                                    27
                 Others                                            48
                                                Total             618
            2. Medical
               Abdominal                                           29
               Asthma                                              14
               Cardiac ..                                          14
               Dysentery                                           38
               V. D..............................                  4i
               Malaria........................                    136
               Pneumonia                                           48
               Respiratory                                         51
               Rheumatism, Myositis                                34
               Others                                             116
                                              Total               521

            3. Eyes
               Cataract                                            27
              Leucoma                                             4i
              Staphyloma                                           5
              Trachoma                                            70
               Conjunctivitis .                                    13
              Trichiasis                                          97
              Keratitis                                           11
              Iritis ..                                            2
              Glaucoma                                            34
              Panopthalmitis                                      11
              Corneal Ulcer .                                     16
              Others ..                                           19
                                             Total               346
                                Total No. In-patients=i,485.
   414   415   416   417   418   419   420   421   422   423   424