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                                                                                                    !                 ffi-
                              282                      INDEX.                                                                              INDEX.                      2X3
                              Laz, chief village of Shaikh Shuwaib,   Magadosho on Somali coast, xii             Manama, port in Bahrein, 175, 188   Mazandaron in Persia, xvii, 204,
                                21                          Magallanes, Fernando de, discovers                   MandecaSy pearl-fishers’ attendants,   20S, 247
                              Lead, imports into Aleppo from   Philippines, 7                                      178                         Meaco. See Kyoto.
                                England, 120                Magdqud, King of Hormuz, 189                         Mandra, island of, xiv        Mecca, Tcixeira’s notes on, 239;
                              Lecena, Lesina cr Lussin, 149   Magdom, city, 26                                   Mangoes of Persia and Arabia, 267   caravans from Basra to, 35; pilgrim
            i                 Leedes, William, xxvi, xxix   Maged, Xeque, Captain of Katifa,                     Maniar Macem. See Banjarmasin.   caravan from Aleppo to, 122 ; black
                              Lceuw, Dutch ship, lxxxv, lxx-lxiii,   188                                         Manila, xviii, lxxxi, lxxxii, 6, 8, 198,   antimony from, 219; straw, a
                                lxvi, lxviii                Magellan Straits, lxxviii, 11                                                       medicine of Arabia, 22S
                              Leeuwin, Dutch ship, lxxxv, lxii, lxvi,   Maguey, wine of Mexico made from,        Manna, 203, 204, 244, 248     Me^enah, caravan halting-place, 96
                                lxviii, Ixx, lxxi, lxxiii     199                                                Mannar, island of, ix, lii ; pearl-   Mecere, Cairo in Egypt, chief pasha-
                              Lenkoran, in Persia, 208      Mahamed Dram Ku, Arab prince,                         fisheries of, 175, 178 ; tiger-hunting   lik of the Turk, 71, 201. See also
                              Leopards used in Persia for hunting,   *54, 155 t                                   in, 222                       Cairo.
                                220                         Mahamed eben Raxet, Xeque, 31,                       Manniy African title, 238    Medical works of Greek writers used
                              Lepanto, battle of, 147        35                                                  Manyat (Tel ul Manahyat), 93   by Persians, 206
                              Lichis (Lechyas), wine made in China   Mahamed Sorkab, 173                         Maravedi, Arab or Turkish coin, 30,   Medicinal plants of Timor, 215;
                                from, 19S                   Mahamed, Malek Sultan, governor                       56, 103                       stones produced from the stomachs
                              Licumbo, river, lxxxiii        of Mozandaron, 205                                  Maraxak, near Basra, 34        of the monkey, deer, and porcupine,
                              Liefde, Dutch ship, lxxxii    Mahamed Xa, King of Hormuz,                          Mares preferred to horses by Arabs,   231 ; stone of Cananor, 252
                              Lignaloes from Persia, 252     156, 157, *72, 173                                   43                          Medina, Tcixcira’s notes on, 239 ;
                              Lima, D. Antonio de, xlix, lxiii   Mahamud Xa, King of Hormuz, 193-                Mariam, Bibi, 172              pilgrim caravans to, 122
                              Lima, D. Paulo de, viii, ix, xi   *95                                              Marjoram, wild, on banks of Eu­  Medyk Na^erya, pass of, 79
                              Lima, Jorge de, liii          Mahmud Kalhati, Governor of Hor­                      phrates, 78                 Meka^ar Jubab, plain of, 92
                              Lima, Pero Gomez d’Abreu de, lxxi   muz, 160                                       Marmalades made in Hormuz, 267   Melinde, 6, 202, 203, 227
            t                 Linhares, Conde de, 1         Mahometh, King of Oman, 256 ; in­                    Maronites living in Aleppo, 116   Mello, Martini Alfonso de, v, vi, vii,
                              Linschoten, Jan Huyghen van, iv,   vades Persia, 257                               Maros, springs of, 75          xii, Ixxxvii, 1, 225
                                xxx, xxxi ; his “ Sailing Directory,”   Mahometh, King of Hormuz, good           Martaban, Iviii-             Melluha, town of, no
                                xxxv, xliii                  rule of, 258                          s             Marwa in Persia, 24S         Melo, Diego de, xxi, xxii, xxiii, 32,
                              Lions attack a caravan, 42    Mahu, Jacques, xviii, Ixxvi, lxxvii                  Marzoko, name of dog, 98       33, 39, 44, 47» 50, 73, *01, 124,
                              Liquorice, leaves, wine made in Persia   Maiar Ma^em, kingdom of Borneo, 4         Masaud, Amir, 199, 160         125, 136, 140
                                from, 197 ; Malay name for, 236   Makran, kingdom of, 172, 250                   Mascarenhas, D. Francisco, xxviii,   Melons of Hormuz, 267
                              Lisbon blockaded by English fleet,   Maktueh, city, 26                              xxix, xxx, 231              Mendo$a, Andre Furtado dc, liv,
                                1598, xli, lxxxiii         Malabar, tiger-hunting in, 222 ; use                  Mascarenhas, D. Jeronimo, iii, 231   Ixxxvi, lxxxix
                              Lobo, D. Diogo, li             of betel, 199; pearl thieves, 179                   Mashad, capital of Khorasan, 248   Mendoza, Luiz dc, Iv
                              Lobo, D. Rodrigo, li         Malacca, iii, vii, xvii, xxvii, xxx, xl,              Mashad All, xxii; founding of the   Mendoqa, Maximiliano dc, Ixxxvii
                              Lokman, 206                    xlvi, li, lxiii, lxxxv-lxxxix ; city of,             city, 47, 48 ; inhabitants of, 49 ;   Mendoza, Pero Furtado dc, xix, 16
                              Lorestam. See Luristan.        I ; description of, 2; nipa wine                     products and climate of, 52; im­  Mendoqa, Simao dc, lxxxiii, lxxxiv
                              Los Angeles, city of (La Puebla), 14   made at, 198 ; calumba wood found            ports into, 49; salt trade with   Meneses, D. Gonsalo de, xxvi
                              Lucca, traders from, at Aleppo, 120   at, 215 ; incense abundant in, 227 ;          Bagdad, 68 ; King of, 72    Menezes, Affonso Tellcs de, li
            1 !
                              Luristan, province of Persia, 251   bezoar stones of, 230 ; crocodiles at,         Mashad Husain or Karbala, xxii,   Menezes, D. Antonio de, 1
            i                 Lusoes, Ixxvi                  224; sea of, 5 ; fish-stone quarried                 51 ; King of, 72            Menezes, Archbishop D. Fr. Alcixo
                              Luzon (Lu9on), 6               in, 234                                             Masirah, Bay of, xx           de, xlviii, 194
                                                           Malamocco, harbour in Venice, 150                     Maskat, xx, iS; pearl-fishery of,   Menezes, D. Duarte de, iii, iv, xi,
                              Macao, lxxxix                Malandy, Moors’ name for Affonso                       177 ; abundance of fish at, vii;   xxviii, 210
                              Mace, exported from Aleppo, 1x9;  de Albuquerque, 192                               proposal to build a fort at, v ; Bay   Menezes, Dom Francisco Tello de,
                               exported from Persia, 252   Malaua (? Malawale), isle near                         of, Arabian coast, 222       xviii, 9, 225
                              Macedo, Estevao Teixeira de, 1   Borneo, 6                                         Massud, King of Hormuz, 189   Menezes, Francisco da Silva de, li,
                              Macedo, Miguel de, xl        Malayan Archipelago,   Teixeira                       Mastic, use in Persia, 202    lii, Iv, lvi, Ixxxvi, 1, 225
                              Machado Boto, Captain Luiz, lxiii   studies fauna ana flora of, xvii               Masulipatam, pazar kkony medicine   Mendozino, Cape, 11
                              Madeira, Sound of, 17        Malay use of betel (siri), 199                         from, 231                   Menucheher, King of Persia, 250
                              Ma^ulepatiio, lxvi           Maidive Islands, lxxxiv                               Matan or Magtan, isle of, 7   Mesopotamia, 57
                              Madagascar, lxxxiv           Malec, Caez, 163                                      Matelief, Cornelius, li      Mesud, Rokneddin, 160, 161
                              Madder, exported from Cyprus, 137,   Malindi, kingdom of, vi, xii, xiii, xiv       Maticaly Arabian weight, 177   Mexat Aly (or Mam Aly). Sec
                               245,252                     Maltese privateers in the Levant,                     Maurenahar, near Khorasan, 248,   Mashad Ali.
                              Madeira, island of, xli        *39> *40                                             253.                        Mexat Ogem. See Mashad Husain.
                             Madirte, coin, 56, 61, 115    Malwa opium, 201                                      Maurigy. See Gaor Yazdy.     Mexat Sandadiah, 76
                             Madre de Deos, Portuguese ship, xvi,   Mam O^em. See Mashad Husain.                 Mauritius, lxxxiv            Mexed. See Mashad.
                               xxx                         Mamud Homer, Governor of Keys,                       Mauritius, Dutch ship, xxxiv, lii,   Mexia, Afonso, xlix
                             Madura, Nayak of, tax on pearl­  186                                                 Ixvii                       Mexico, exports of silver, xviii, 7 ;
                               fishing, 178, 179; death of Nayak   Mamura, town on the Euphrates, 56            Maynalos, men who wash clothes, 207   journey from Acapulco to, 13 ;
                               of, 197                     Man, a weight, 214                                   Mayucy. See Gaor Yazdy.        bezoars of, 231; wine made in, 199

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