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                                272                      INDEX.                                                                              INDEX.
                                Bagdad, xxii; description of, 60;   100 ; trade of, 24, 29, S6, 204 ;              Bradadin, 1S5               j Cambayatys of Hormuz, 168
                                  inhabitants of, 63 ; ruins of ancient   explosion at, 30 ; Turks yet pos­        Bradadin, Rex, wazir of Mogostani, I Cambodia, 3, 225, 227
                                  city, 63 ; origin of, 69 ; garrison   session of, 30; claimed by Mom-              166                        Camels and their uses, S7 ; exported
             ! i                  and government of, 64, 71; citadel   barek, 26                                   Bragacya, 36                   from Basra, 29 ; great herds at Bir
                                  of, 63 ; climate, products, indus­  Basra, Strait of, 164                        Braganga, D. Constantino dc, 239 Enus, 5S ; trade at Bagdad, 67 ;
                                  tries, etc., of, 67, 68; threatened   Basscin (Basaym), iii, vii, 17             Brahemy, lands in Persia,  156   duty on, at Tayibe, 103; spare
                                  by the Persians, 71 ; trade of, 29,  Bax Dul&b, 72                               Brahmans, 210                 ones in caravans, 73 ; danger of
                                  33, 67, 61, S5, 100         Bayona Isles, *5                                     Brava, xiii. See also Somaliland.   shipping in wet weather, 108 ;
            1  s                 Bagozzy, loan Battista, Venetian   Bear, English ship, xliv                       Brazil, Ixxviii               Arab doctoring of, 45 ; food of, 86
            I!                    merchant, 112               Bear's Whelp, English ship, xliv                     Brito, Joao Correa dc, Captain of Camel-hire between Aleppo and its
            I ’!                 Bahadin Ayaz Seyfin, King of   Bed&wln, Arabs, 36, 37, 74                           Columbo, viii, 221, 232     port, annual cost of, 121
                                  Hormuz, 160, 260            Beduynes. See Bedawfn.                               Brito, Louren§o de, xvii, xxxix, xlvi, Camel-panniers, description of, xxii,
             !>:                 Baharon, King of Persia, 256   Beghdely, clan of Turkomans, 99                     1, lii-lv, lxxxv             73
                                 Baharon Xa, Amir Mobarezadin, 171   Behaeddin Ajas, Melik, 160, 161               Brito, Roque dc, v, xii, xiv   Camels’ milk and colocynths, medi­
                                                                                                                                                 cine from, 36
              i;                 Bahrein Islands, and their pearl-   Bejar in Salamanca, origin of name,           Brito, Simao de, 221         Camel's straw, a medicine of Arabia,
                                                                                                                   Broct, Isle of. See Kishm.
                                  fishery, 26, 29, 173-177. *83, 265
                                 Bail in, pass of, 127        Bely la, antidote against poisons, 216               Bromefield, Thomas, xliv      228
              'I                Bajtly 4                      Bengal, xlvi, lxxxviii, 165, 222;                    Brown, Jonas, xcv            Camphor, of Achin, 2; of Borneo, 4
            I*                  BaliiOy a rowing-boat, lvi     tiger-hunting in, 222                               Brune, Vincencio dc, xlix    Canals, 27, 30, 74
                                 Balbi, Gasparo, 194          Benjamin, English ship, xliv                         Brunei in Borneo, xviii, 5   Cananor, fortress of, x
                                Bali, Island of, xliii, Iii, 2   Benjamin of Tudela, 31                            Bricks, burnt, great stores near   Canara, x, 210
                                                              Benzoin, 2, 227
                                                                                                                    Bagdad, 58
             t                   Balkh, 254                   Berberia, ports of, xxxii                            Bridge of boats at Bagdad, 60   Candia, Isle of, 132, 141
                                 Balsas river, 13
                                                                                                                                               Candia, kingdom of Ceylon, 235
            c*                  Balsas of canes, rafts, 13    Bermuda, xix, 15                                     Buddha, tooth of, destruction of, 239   Cane Burgol, 120
                                                                                                                   Buluk bashi, Turkish captain, 66 ;
                                                              Betel, use of, 199, 200
                                                                                                                                               Canes, hawsers of, 4
                                Balyoy 178
                                                                                                                    duties of, 67
             ? ■ :.             Banda Islands, lxvii, lxxxiv   Bezoar stones, of Borneo, 4, 230;                   Bungo in Japan, lxxvi, Ixxix   Cangeatica, rebel lord of Japan,
                                                               of Ceylon, 230 ; of India, 230 ; of
                                Bandar Abbas, 155
                                Bandar Ibrahim, lands of, 156   Malacca, Pahang, Sunda, etc.,230;                  Burrough, Sir John, xxx     Can/ales, daggers of Arabs, 43
             ! ,                Bandar Nakhilu, 21             of Mexico, 231 ; of Persia, 229 ;                   Bush-rats of Arabia (jerboas), 37   Cannafistola, 8
                                Banek, Bibi, Queen of Plormuz, 159   tests to discover spurious stones,            Bussorah. See Basra.        Canto. See Kuwanto.
             f                   Bangasaly, Ioghea, 207        230                                                 Butargas, salt-fish roes, 147   Canzir, Cape, in Syria, 133
             Hr                 Bangasalys of Hormuz, 168     Biarmia, lxxx                                        Byra, town on the Euphrates, 57  Capgiy porter, 70
             n                  Banians in I-Iormuz, 168      Biddulph, Wm., 120, 130                              Cabadim, King of Hormuz, 162,  Cara Bax, fighting tribe, 67
                                                                                                                                               Caramania, 129, 133, 151
                                                              Bi Fatima, 166
                                 Banjarmasin, 4 ; bezoar stones of,
                                                                                                                    173. 2SS. 260
             iii                Bantam, city of, xliii, lxviii, lxxxiv,   Bilan, town of, 128                      CabiIdat a tribe, 94         CaramusaleSy Turkish vessels, 132
                                                                                                                                                Caranja, Portuguese galleon, iii
                                                              Biranus, Bircnus, or Bcrcnus, 57
             Ih                  Barbary, coast of, 142       Birds, Isle of, 21                                   Cab/Icy, a tribe, 95        Cardamoms, in Ceylon, 235 ; ex­
                                  lxxxv ; the Dutch and, xxxv, lxvii
                                                                                                                                                 ported from Persia, 252
                                                                                                                   Cabot, John and Sebastian, lxxxi
                                                              Bitumen, 57, 144
                                Barbosa - Machado, Abb. Diogo,   Black Stone of Mecca, 239                        Cabral, Pero de Almeida, 16   Carpathus, Isle of, 141
                                  xxiv                        Blinding of relatives by Kings of                   Cache, kingdom of, 210       Carpets, trade in Persia, 217, 243,
                                Barcelor, x, 210               Persia, method of, 186                             Caesar, palace of, Arabian fort, 40   249, 250, 252
                                Bardistan, 22                 Blowpipe (Zeruetana), 6                             Caerden, Paulus van, lxxxiv, lxxxv   CartazeSy 24
              )                 Barem. See Bahrein.           Blydc Boodschapy Dutch vessel, Ixxviii              Cairo, Teixcira’s notes on, 208 ;  Carvalho, Pero Fernandes de, Ixxxvii
              i                 Barents, William, voyages of, lxxx   Boaly, 235                                     opinion of, 201 ; pashalik of, 70   Caryseas (Kerseys), imported into
                                Barkamin, fort of, 172        Boekhout, Captain Juriaan, lxxvii                   Cala^a, Belchior, v            Aleppo, 120
                                Barker, Edmund, Ixi           Bokhara, 254                                        Calaminta trade in Cyprus, 138   Casas de JCaodA, coffee - houses at
                                                                                                                                                 Bagdad, 62 ; at Aleppo, 121
                                                                                                                  Calanges, inhabitants of Azarbaijan,
                                                              Bolay Agy, Mongana, 23S
             tu                 Barley, 19, 29, 35, 44, 49, 175   Bom Jesies, Portuguese galleon, iii,              245                        Caselbax, Persians, 67, 82
            l                    Barreto, Diogo Moniz, Captain of                                                 Calayat, or Caliatc, in Arabia. See
                                  Hormuz, 19, 169, 174         xv, xvi                                                                         Castanho, Simao, pilot, 16
                                Barreto, Jorge de Lima, li    Bombareka. See Mombarek.                              Kalhat.                    Castelbranco, D. Jorge de, 174
                                Barrios, Daniel Levi de, xxiv   Borneo, island of, lxxxii, 3; descrip­            Calefah's mosque at Bagdad, 64   Castello-branco, Trajano Rodrigues
                                Barros, Joao de, Portuguese histo­  tion, 4; natives of, 5; bezoar                Calegary, Dominico, 123        de, Ixxxvi
                                  rian, civ, 192               stones of, 230                                     Calenders, 210               CastellOy Portuguese ship, lxxxiii
                                Barselor, Upper, capital of Canara,   Bostan, in Persia, 247                      Californias, 12, 13          Castel Marquez, at Alexandrctta,
                                  210                         Botelho, Jeronymo, li                               Caloiro or Caloyro, monk of the   13*
               ■                                              Botelho, Simao, xlix                                  Greek Church, 131, 142     Castel Nuevo, on Gulf of Venice, 149
                                Basidu, or Bassadore, 19                                                          Calumba wood, 214
                                Basra, xx, xxi, xxvii, 19, 25, 70;   Botero, Giovanni, treatise on Africa                                      Castel Rosso, 139
                                                                                                                  Camara, Ruy Gonsalves da, iv
                                  description of, 28; sites of, 30, 34,   68                                      Cambaya, kingdom of, 201, 210,  Castel Torneze, 144
                                  35 ; government of, 28 ; products,   Both, Pieter, lxxxiv, lxxxv                  228                        Castro, D. Fernando de, 9
                                  etc., of, 29 ; caravan trade of, 35,  Braamin in Persia, 257                                                 Castro, D. Martim Affonso de, li
            k                                                                                                                                                     T
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