Page 109 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 109

H                       90              SHERM TO SINAI.              [CH.
  :■ .
                         inclosure is occupied by a picture of the
                         Crucifixion, and the whole of the lower  por-
                         tion, between the numerous paintings, is
  1                     tastefully inlaid with ivory, tortoiseshell, and
                        silver. Behind this, protected by an iron
                        railing, stands the altar, said to be erected
  I                     near the spot where the Lord first appeared to
                        Moses. In imitation of his example, the pil­
                        grim is here directed to take off his shoes,
                        and he is then shown a bible, which is de­
  1                     scribed to be of great antiquity. Looking

                        towards the right of the altar, there is a
                        marble lamb, concealed from public view by
                        an ornamental curtain, containing the relics
                        of St. Catherine. These, according to the
                        legend, were borne by angels to the summit
                        of the neighbouring mountain (which bears
                        her name), and were subsequently transported
                        here. The skeleton of the hand, covered with
 1                      rings and jewels, is the only portion exhibited
                        to visitors, and its removal from the coffin is

                        accompanied by much mummery : incense is
 1                      burnt, the monks are bareheaded, and prayers
 I                      are chanted.

 1                         Near these relics, and illumined on fast
                        days by a number of enormous tapers, stands

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