Page 110 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 110
the silver bed of a sarcophagus, having in
bas-relief a full length figure of the Empress
Catherine of Russia. By the Superior’s ac
count, she sent it, with the intent that it should
cover her remains here; but the convent
never received that honor; and on a subse
quent visit, I found the lid had disappeared.
The costly offerings bestowed at different
periods by rich or powerful members of the
Greek Church are everywhere conspicuous
in the massive silver candlesticks, numerous
lamps, and other church furniture; but grants,
and bequests of money, if we may believe the
Superior’s account, were formerly much more
frequent than at the present day. Instances
of the zeal which once induced numerous
votaries to consecrate their lives as well as
their property to the service of the Church,
are now likewise of rare occurrence. Few of
the monks possess property, nor do they re
main beyond a few years ; but return to their
own country, content with the reputation of
sanctity which a residence for however short a
period on a spot so holy fails not to confer.
The pulpit is light and elegant: before it, on
the upper part, I remarked an eagle with ex-