Page 13 - 08 MODUL SMP BING KLS 9 KD. 3.1-3.6 & 4.1- 4.6 (1)
P. 13

Mohamad Hasan Munadi, S. Pd  (SMP N 1 Wanaraja/SWANS)
                                                               Iin Fitriani, S. Pd, M. Pd (SMP N 2 Bayongbong/DUBAY)

                            These expressions taken from the preceding conversations. Finf out the others
                             similar expression from the conversations.
                             1) Siti     : “I agree with udin. You should go to the doctor, Lina.”
                             2) Edo      : “I don’t agree with you, Siti. Too much medicine is not good.”
                             3) Dayu     : “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
                             4) ………  : …………………………………………………………………   .
                             5) ………  : …………………………………………………………………   .
                             6) ………  : …………………………………………………………………   .
                             7) ………  : ……………………………………..…………………………    .

                            Below are some expressions to state agreement or disagreement that we can use:
                              No            Agreement                              Disagreement
                              1.  I agree (with you).              I don’t agree (with you)./I disagree.
                              2.  No doubt about it.               I object your opinion.
                              3.  I don’t doubt about it.          I doubt it.
                              4.  Absolutely/definitely            I don’t think so.
                              5.  It’s true./that’s true/right.    That’s wrong.
                              6.  That’s smart idea.               I wish I could agree (with you), but . . .  .
                              7.  I completely agree with you.     I don’t think that’s a good idea.
                              8.  That’s the point.                I’m not sure (if) I agree with you about that.
                              9.  I will say that.                 I wouldn’t say that.

                            And to ask for agreement, we can use these expressions:
                             1.  Do you agree with me/my idea?
                             2.  Don’t you think so?
                             3.  Do you agree or disagree?
                             4.  Will you agree with…?
                             5.  What/How do you think about that?

                   6.  Summary (Rangkuman)
                        When we want to say our purpose we can use this pattern:
                          Subject + Predicate +      in order to +  Verb

                          - She left to school early   in order to   see her mother in the hospital.

                          Subject + Predicate +      in order that  Suject + Predicate
                                                     so that

                          - I am saving money        so that         I can go to Mecca

                          Subject + Predicate +      for             Verb -ing

                          - I buy a new hand phone   for             contacting my mom.

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