Page 20 - لغة اجنبية اولى 2
P. 20

English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh

p, f, k, s, sh, ch, th  b, v, g, z, j, th, l, m, n, r
                        All vowel sounds are

Examples of past tense  Examples of past tense         Examples of past tense
verbs where the –ed     verbs where the –ed            verbs where the –ed
ending sounds like “t”  ending sounds like “d”         ending sounds like “id”

worked                  moved                          started

dropped                 returned                       graduated

finished                stayed                         visited

divorced                studied                        separated

stopped                 married                        dated

laughed                 widowed                        attended

coughed                 raised

watched                 engaged


Pronouncing the -ed Endings Exercise 1

In the following sentences, is the –ed ending in the highlighted word
pronounced –d, -t or –id?

1. They thanked him for the tea.

          (a) d                 (b) t                           (c) id
                                                                (c) id
2. Your car is damaged.                                         (c) id
                                                                (c) id
          (a) d                 (b) t

3. We helped them clear the path.

          (a) d                 (b) t

4. I rented a small apartment.

          (a) d                 (b) t

5. Jon walked for miles.

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