Page 24 - لغة اجنبية اولى 2
P. 24

English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh

12. I always bring my dictionary to class.
13. You have a vocabulary test tomorrow.
14. My friend and I went shopping.
15. At the weekend my brother works at a sports club.

 Simple subject/predicate: As you can see from the example sentences above
 both the subject and the predicate can consist of many words. The simple
 subject is the main word in the subject, and the simple predicate is the main
 word in the predicate. The simple subject is always a noun/pronoun and the
 simple predicate is always a verb.

 In the following sentences the simple subject is shown in bold and the simple
 predicate is shown bold, italic and underlined.

  My English teacher speaks a little Arabic.
  The young girl with the long black hair fell from her bike yesterday in heavy rain.
  At the back of the line in the cafeteria yesterday was a large brown dog with a

      yellow collar around its neck!
  My friend and I are going on holiday together this year.
  Your mother or your father must come to the meeting.
  Sitting in a tree at the bottom of the garden was a huge black bird with long blue tail


 From the last three examples sentences above you will notice that the simple
 subjects and simple predicates can be more than one word.

 For each of the following sentences, underline the simple subject:

   1. The tourist ate the whole apple pie.
   2. My favorite month is May.
   3. My expensive new watch has stopped.

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