Page 28 - لغة اجنبية اولى 2
P. 28

English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh

8. If you don't want to study, you should stay home, but you may regret it.
9. Every time I go to mall, I spend all of my money on things

      that I don't need.
10. Mom said that I can go to the museum with you but I have to be home

11. Modern Warfare is a fun game but no game is better than Packman.
12. Todd and Nick are eating chips and salsa on a park bench before dinner.
13. The girl looked at her brother and smiled.
14. The water was so cold that we could not swim in it.
15. The customers were happy because they got what they wanted.

                     Question Tags

Question tags are short questions at the end of statements.

They are mainly used in speech when we want to:
    confirm that something is true or not, or
    to encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to.

Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the statement
and the appropriate subject.

A positive statement is followed by a negative question tag.

Present simple 'be'  She's Italian, isn't she?

Present simple other verbs They live in London, don't they?

Present continuous   We're working tomorrow, aren't we?

Past simple 'be'     It was cold yesterday, wasn't it?

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