Page 32 - لغة اجنبية اولى 2
P. 32
English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
Noun - Pronoun Agreement
Pronouns are a good way to keep from repeating nouns too often. A pronoun
takes the place of a noun and must agree with it in number (singular or plural),
case (subject or object), gender (male or female), and person. Person shows
whether the noun is speaking (I, we), spoken to (you), or spoken about (he, she,
it, they).
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blanks in the following sentences.
1) Matthew hopes that someone will give (him, he, his) a Lego set for his
2) Did Miranda say whether (she, her, hers) would be allowed to go to the
3) Please give the books to (she, her, hers) so she can pass them out.
4) Jason wants me to give the ball to (him, he, his).
5) Carlos, why are (he, you, your) walking that way?
6) The teacher offered (he, I, him) a second chance to pass the test
7) (Him, I, Me) walked home from school past the park.
8) I just talked to (she, her, hers) yesterday.
9) Can you come with (we, our, us) to the playground?
10) Tell your sister that (me, I, my) called.
11) Are we going to play against (them, their, they)?
12) That was supposed to be for (me, I, my).