Page 35 - لغة اجنبية اولى 2
P. 35
English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
Is it's 'it is',' it has' or 'its'?
A lot of people have trouble knowing when to use its and when to use it's. It's is
a contraction for it is or it has. Its is a possessive pronoun meaning of it or
belonging to it. If you aren't sure which one to use, try replacing it with it is. If
that makes sense, use it's. If not, try replacing it with her or his. If that makes
sense, then use its.
Choose the correct word for the blank space in each sentence.
1) The maple tree is shedding (it's, its) leaves.
2) The dog carries (it's, its) puppies by mouth.
3) (It's, Its) only 8, but I'm already tired.
4) The giraffe is eating (it's, its) dinner.
5) I've heard that (it's, its) going to be a hard winter this year.
6) That hotel treats (it's, its) guests well.
7) I don't know how long (it's, its) going to take to finish the job.
8) I wonder if (it's, its) going to rain tomorrow.
9) Please put the dog in (it's, its) pen before you go.
10) The company knows that (it's, its) reputation is on the line.
11) When your dog grows up, (it's, its) going to be huge.
12) We wondered about that club and (it's, its) beginnings.
13) (It's, Its) a toss-up which team will win the tournament.
14) (It's, Its) almost time for the show to get started.
15) The team tried (it's, its) best but couldn't win.
16) I can't find my budgie, I think (it's, its) flown away.
17) Look at that horse! (it's, its) hurt (it's, its) hoof.
18) (It's, Its) been raining for five hours.
19) Put the CD in (it's, its) place, please.
20) "I think (it's, its) nice to have a dog", my son always tells me.