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P. 38

English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh

A: I‟m always afraid that I‟ll lose my house key.
B: I‟m always afraid that I‟ll loose my house key.
C: I‟m always afraid that I‟ll lost my house key.
D: I‟m always afraid that I‟ll lose me house key.

A: My mom isn‟t sure whose go with us.
B: My mom isn‟t sure who's going with us.
C: My mom isn‟t sure whose going with us.
D: My mom isn‟t sure who's went with us.

A: I love cherry bie I don‟t like apple pie.
B: I love cherry pie, I don‟t like apple pie.
C: I love cherry pie, but I don‟t like apple pie.
D: I loves cherry pie, but I don‟t like apple pie.

A: Neither of the girls remembered her homework.
B: Neither of the girls remembered their homework.
C: Neither of girls remembered her homework.
D: Neither of the girls remember their homework.

A: That group of students are going on the field trip to San Francisco.
B: That group of students is going on the field trip to San Francisco.
A: That group of student are going on the field trip to San Francisco.
B: That group of students are go on the field trip to San Francisco.

A: Carlos has nearly annoyed every teacher he has had.
B: Carlos has annoyed nearly every teacher he has had.
C: Carlos have nearly annoyed every teacher he has had.
D: Carlos has annoyed nearly every teacher he have had.

A: It‟s going to be really hot tomorrow.
B: Its going to be really hot tomorrow.
A: It‟s going to bee really hot tomorrow.
B: It‟s going to being really hot tomorrow.

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