Page 33 - لغة اجنبية اولى 2
P. 33

English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
13) You never told (we, our, us) about (you, yours,your) big trip.

14) (Him, He, His) worked really hard in math and still got a low grade.

15) Vicky will tell (them, their, they) that tomorrow.

16) When a company changes (their, its, it's) marketing strategy abruptly, (it, they,

      their) may cease to make money.

17) In tourism, as in any other business, when certain marketing tactics are not working,

      then obviously (it, they, their) must be changed.

18) Each of the political parties is being forced to disclose (their, its, it's) campaign


19) The crew of three men and two women were applauded when (their, its, it's) boat

      crossed the finishing line.

20) Several theories were put forward to explain the accident, but the investigators

      found (it, them, its) unsatisfactory.

                               Subject - Verb Agreement

         Singular subjects take singular verbs. Plural subjects take plural verbs.
 This is easy to do in simple sentences, but it's harder in complex sentences.

       When the subject and verb are separated, you have to ignore what's in
 between and just look at the subject and the verb. Usually the subject comes
 first in a sentence.

         When the sentence order is reversed, you have to look carefully for the
 subject and verb to be sure they agree.

         Indefinite pronouns (everybody, everyone, anyone, anything) take a
 singular verb. Just remember "-body", "-one", and "- thing.

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