Page 34 - لغة اجنبية اولى 2
P. 34
English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
The pronouns who, which, and that can be either singular or plural. It
depends on the noun they are taking the place of. When those pronouns take the
place of a singular noun, they need a singular verb. When they take the place of
a plural noun, they need a plural verb. Select the correct tense (singular or
plural) for the verbs in the following sentences.
Subject - Verb Agreement Quiz
1) My brothers (plays, play) soccer.
2) The other kids on the team (goes, go) to my school.
3) Where (is, are) my new socks?
4) Everyone (is, are) going to the big game.
5) My sister, who (is are) very smart, is getting a scholarship.
6) His parents (plays, play) chess every Tuesday.
7) The shoes in that store (is, are) expensive.
8) When (is, are) Miranda going to the beach?
9) Does anybody (know, knows) when our reports are due?
10) Carlos is one of those people who (is, are) good at all sports.
11) My best friend (goes, go) to a different school.
12) One of my teachers (is, are) getting married.
13) There (is, are) no good reasons for doing that.
14) Anything you (want, wants) to do today will help.
15) My dog is one of those crazy dogs who (chases, chase) sticks all day.