Page 27 - لغة اجنبية اولى 2
P. 27
English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
Complex: Contains an independent clause plus
plus one or more dependent clauses. (A dependent clause starts
with a subordinating conjunction. Examples: that, because,
while, although, where, if.)
o I don't like dogs that bark at me when I go past.
o She did my homework, while her father cooked dinner.
o You can write on paper, although a computer is
better if you want to correct mistakes easily.
Compound-complex: Contains 3 or more clauses (of
which at least two are independent and one is
o I don't like dogs, and my sister doesn't like cats
because they make her sneeze.
o You can write on paper, but using a computer is better
as you can easily correct your mistakes.
o A tree fell onto the school roof in a storm, but none of
the students was injured, although many of them were
in classrooms at the top of the building.
Exercise: Identify the type of each of the following sentences
1. When I get home from school, I'm going to take a nap.
2. I got in trouble so I can't go to the party, but it would have been fun.
3. Being alone can be scary unless you keep yourself busy.
4. Mr. Simon taught me sentence structure.
5. Keith, Carrie, and Kyle bought donuts and ate them down by the river.
6. I left early so that I could get some work done, but I'll be back soon.
7. Crossing the street is dangerous if you don't look both ways before you