Page 22 - لغة اجنبية اولى 2
P. 22
English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
17. required / / 18. helped / /
19. answered / / 20. watched / /
English sentence structure
A sentence is defined as a complete thought, it is 'a sequence of words whose
first word starts with a capital letter and whose last word is followed by an end
punctuation mark (period/full stop or question mark or exclamation mark)'.
Subject/predicate: All sentences are about something or someone. The
something or someone that the sentence is about is called the subject of the
sentence. In the following sentences the subjects are shown in bold. Note how
the subject is often, but not always, the first thing in the sentence.
John often comes late to class.
My friend and I both have a dog named Spot.
Many parts of the Asian coastline were destroyed by a tsunami in 2004.
The old hotel at the end of the street is going to be knocked down to
make way for a new supermarket.
Sitting in a tree at the bottom of the garden was a huge black bird with
long blue tail feathers.
The grade 7 Egyptian boy who has just started the ICDL course
speaks excellent English.
On Saturdays I never get up before 9 o'clock.
Before giving a test the teacher should make sure that the students are
Lying on the sofa watching old films is my favorite hobby.