Page 14 - Hot Press Issue 14
P. 14
Protect your data with our DO NOT
GDPR Do’s & Don’ts • Access personal data you don’t need to do
your job (for example, information relating to
DO yourself, a family member, friend or colleague)
• Immediately report any suspected incident
involving personal data to your Manager or in • Share personal data externally without
their absence to VVeldsman@delawarenorth. authorisation – this includes in conversation
• Leave your computer unlocked / allow others to
• Observe all IT / Acceptable Use guidance, use your access credentials
- Use of portable devices and removable • Click on dubious email links or attachments –
media these may come from an unknown sender or
may appear to be from a known contact (R-click
- Appropriate password setting and good & Block)
• Record anything contentious about a person
• Flag the unnecessary creation or duplication of in handwritten or electronic form (eg: email)
personal data without carefully considering that this may need
to be shared with that person on request
• Store personal data securely and appropriately
(both hardcopy and electronic) • Email personal data internally – save to company
SharePoint and share link instead
• Be alert to requests from data subjects to exercise
their rights (eg: to access / rectify / erase their • Email personal data externally unless this is
data) and advise VVeldsman@delawarenorth. encrypted / via secure email and you are sure the
com if a request is received sharing is authorised
• Delete personal data as advised (in line with the • Save personal data on local PCs / desktops,
Data Retention policy / schedule) portable devices (eg: laptops) or removable
media (eg: USBs) without authorisation
• ALWAYS check if unsure
• Retain personal data indefinitely
PLEASE NOTE: you could be held personally liable for a deliberate or negligent breach of policy!
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