Page 8 - Hot Press Issue 11
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2018/19 season was an exceptional year for our team   Stadium are some of the most innovative, creative
        at Wembley stadium. The number of events in the       and helpful people that I have ever worked with.
        80,000+ capacity bowl increased by 72% from an        They actively support the FA’s Core Values of Pride,
        annual average of 32 to 55.                           Respectful, Inclusive, Determined & Excellence”
                                                              is how our client, Su Corrin Senior Health, Safety
        Jon Sellins, Operations Director for The FA Group     and Risk Manager for the FA describes our team at
        described the Delaware North as “outstanding” and     Wembley.
        praised the team for “maintaining the high standards
        expected by Tottenham, The FA, UEFA, the EFL, the     Our meeting and event calendar is delivering £3m in
        NFL and the England Team as well as the myriad of     annual sales, in addition to the major Bowl events.
        concert promoters and their varied customer base.”    Halfway through our financial year and we are 77%
        A tough set of clients to please!                     up on year-on-year business.

        Working collaboratively with our clients, suppliers   For any venue, doubling the number of events it
        and our teams to make the venue ready, very often     hosts in any one year would be a major undertaking
        meant 24-hour operations were the norm. Teams         but when you consider the scale and complexity of
        were required to flip menus and re-set services and   a stadium the size of Wembley the achievement is
        stock overnight from an American Football event to    truly outstanding”. Jon Sellins, Operations Director
        a UK league football event or a concert.              for The FA Group

        In the last 12 months Delaware North at Wembley
        Stadium delivered 14 Concerts, 3 NFL games, an
        entire Premier League season of 27 games with
        associated Champions League games, 10 Cup Final /
        International Football games and all of the Play Off
        Finals, an Anthony Joshua World title sell out boxing
        fight, and two rugby games.

        Our clients were incredibly complimentary of the
        standard our teams were able to provide.                    “what has been delivered over the
        The Operations Director for the FA, Paul Scannell          last two seasons is truly remarkable
        gave credit to Delaware North’s “unwavering               and the Delaware North team should
        support” and “unrivalled knowledge” in ensuring              be congratulated on an amazing
        that 2018/2019 season was the most successful in the
        stadium’s 100-year history.                                            achievement”.

        “The Delaware North staff based at Wembley

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